Amber: hey guys I'm back! And my 7 year old brother dared everyone to jump on a wall.
Ame: okay.. *jumps on a wall and gem cracks*
Amber: 0_0
Ame: mi yako
Amethyst: *jumps on wall and nothing happens* ame say I'm okay.
Ame: sknaht
Amethyst: your welcome bro *fistbumps*
Ame: omg I just relived *rune to warp so I get home in 5 mins for yellow*
Yellow: where's ame *smile*
Ame: here!
Yellow: great
*wicked smile and picks up ame*
Yellow: *kiss on cheek then sit down
Everyone * jumps on wall and then breaks
Ame: 0-0
Amber: we need to fix it!!