Chapter 2

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Blake left last night so I dragged my lazy self out of bed and showered I pulled on some jeans and a white tank top to finish the look I slipped on my favorite jean jacket I bought with my best friend Chris last year, I brushed my hair leaving it down for today and slapped on a small amount of mascara and my crimson brown lipstick Chris got me.

I grabbed bag and keys heading for the door, before I got to school I stopped at Dunkin Donuts for a vanilla bean latte, I parked in a parking space close to the doors and killed the engine dropping my keys in my bag and made my way inside before I was late.

Opening my locker I pulled my books for Chemistry,Math, and English out, I kicked my locker shut and walked into Chemistry I saw some familiar faces but a small number of new ones. I sat at a table close to the door and set my bag, books and latte on the table.

I took some sips of my latte and people started filing in and taking their seats, the bell rang and the teacher walked in, he said his name was Mr.Johnson, Chris sat next to me and basically wished she was anywhere but here, when it came to the time of us solving equations Chris poked my shoulder "Teach looks like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed" I laughed a little at Chris's joke and Mr.Johnson walked up to our table "Have anything to share with the rest of the class Miss Bluemoon" "No sir" Mr. Johnson looked around the glass and pointed to a boy who had this chestnut brown hair, black shirt and jeans to sit in Chris's seat "Mr. Cold would you mind switching seats with Miss Bluemoon   please, Diana here will be your new chemistry partner" I felt my heart drop out of my chest when he said for Chris to move seats "But sir we promise to work" "Chris move now" Chris gathered up her books and headed to the back of the classroom where this Cole guys old seat was. Mr Johnson continued on while this guy who I never saw before sat next to me not giving a damn about the assignment. The bell rang and I gathered my things and headed for the door when someone tugged on my bag. It was that Cole guy who didn't do the assignment "What do you want" "Diana right?" I turned around facing him "Yea" "You look different since the last time I saw, you were a complete nerd when we were kids" Hearing that from Cole I looked back a little before my dad's murder to me as a little girl running home telling mom about this boy who stole my stuffed rabbit my dad got for me, for my birthday when I was 4. I looked up at Cole and headed for the door "I-I gotta go" I made a run for it out of the classroom.

I bumped into Blake on my way out to go home when Marcie the girl who spray painted slut on my locker had her arms wrapped around Blake's neck kissing him I wish I didn't have to see her red thong sticking out from her short shirt " could you.." My voice was low I couldn't even hear myself speck Blake turned to me breaking the little moment him and Marcie had a second ago "Sorry loser but I'm out of your league" "What!" "You heard me, you've been replaced" "Asshole!" I pulled my bag up my shoulder and ran tears running down my check I wanted to scream but I held my hand against my mouth I was distracted from replaying Blake and Marcie kissing that I bumped into someone I looked up tears down my cheeks and saw Cole standing in front of me "Hey watch it!" "S-sorry" I wiped some tears away with the back of my hand and ran out to my car, I dug my keys in the ignition and drove off my heart broken, pulled out and stomped on by Blake.

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