Bad Day

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"Are you fucking kidding me?" Tom yells at the red clad figure laying across the couch with the controller in hand.

"No I'm not 'fucking kidding' you Tom, I had the tv first so I'll watch what I want." Tord waves the controller at him

"You don't need to watch your shitty hentai in the living room. I don't want you masterbating on the couch I pass out drunk on."

"Well if you didn't spend every night getting totally shitfaced you wouldn't have to worry about passing out on the couch."

"Why can't you watch that crap in your room?"

"You can only watch so much on that small computer screen before you get tired of it."

"So Fucking What! Everyone uses that couch, and I know for sure that no one wants your nasty ass cum stains on it."

"Why are you worried so much about me masterbating? It shouldn't bother you, just go into your room and play with your shitty Susan and listen to your loud music?" Tord sits up.

"Don't you fucken dare call Susan shitty, shes better then anything you could ever be."

"It's a fucking thing, a stringed instrument that could be replaced with for a chunk of bloody cash. Why are so damn annoying?"

"Because you're always an overgrown asshat to everyone and act all high and mighty." Tom pulls the smaller man to his feet by his the collar of his hoody.

"Well, classic,stupid Tom, if you had more intelligence than the bottles you emptied earlier, I wouldn't treat you like a complete moron." Tord says before Tom's fist connects with his cheek.

"You know what I'm tired of yelling at you so I'm going to beat the bloody hell out of you." Tom holds onto his collar to keep Tord up.

"So, since you can't win a competent argument, you're gonna use brute force to get what you want? You fucken neanderthal." Tom's fist crunches Tord's nose, the blood starts to pour out.

Tom punches the slightly smaller man in the gut, Tord lets out a puff of air as it collides. As Tom goes for a hits Tord to the face, he receives a empty to the side of the head. Tom stops hitting the poor bastard, but doesn't let go of his sweater.

"Oh look, your own hobby backfired on you. That must suck." Tord spits blood in his face. Tom spins around and slams Tord against a wall with a crack of his skull.

"See you're getting the shit beat out of you and you're still on your high horse."

"Well, I would have to be brain dead not to feel superior to your stupid ass."

Tom hammers several hits to Tords face and chest, leaving him black and blue. Tord giving a blow every once and awhile. Tom has several bruises forming, but his anger at the red hooded man leaves him to ignore them till a later time. Tord starts scratching at Tom to get him off of him. After several attempts leaving long bloody lines along Tom's face and neck, Tord tries another tactic. He grabs handfuls of Toms sweater and pulls him in for a kiss. Tom bites him, drawing more blood from his abused and swollen lip. Tord gasps, and Tom uses the hand he was just slamming into Tord guts to grab a handful of his hair. This action exposes Tord's neck, Tom latches on biting into his pale skin. Tord moans, and grabs hoodie and hair.

"I-I fucken Hat-te you!" Tord moans out as Tom works up and down his neck while running his nails across the flesh of his lower back.

"Don't worry I Hate you too." Tom whispers in his ear, Tord shivers. Tord rips at the blue hoodie on the other, Tom peels it off with a quick movement then fully pins Tord to the wall with a thigh between his high enough to lift his heels off the ground. He can't help but rut against it. Tord whimpers as a large hand pins his hips to the wall. "Impatient?" Tom asks with a smirk as he slides free hand up the front of the red hoodie. Tord's face is flush with embarrassment, anger and pleasure, pupils blown wide with lust as he stares at the man in front of him.

"Obviously. Now touch me or let me go so I can rub it out." Tord says panting just as hard as Tom is. Tom smirks a little harder and starts peeling off Tord's hoodie, once it's discarded somewhere in the room, he connects their lips with a clash of teeth and pushes flush against Tord giving him the friction he desired. Tom pulls the legs by his sides up to wrap around him, then moves his hands up to scoop up the ass that is pushed up against the wall. Tord is running his hands through Tom's mess of hair as Tom pulls them away from the cold wall. He walks them down the hall to his room and kicks the door open. Tom walks over to the edge of the bed and drops Tord on it, he releases a yelp as he bounces on the soft mattress. Tom crawls in on top of him and slides a hand down unbuttoning Tord's pants. Tord hisses as Tom nibbles on his ear and rubs at his member through his boxers. Tord wraps his arms around Tom's neck as he ruts against his calloused hand, moaning at the rough friction. After a few good rubs Tom sits up and rips off Tord's dirty jeans, he contributes by kicking them off. Tom then latches onto his neck with sharp teeth and tongue, then leans back after a dark hickey is left on the left side of Tord's neck

"Suck." Tom says sticking two fingers in Tord's face. Tord licks the underside of Tom's fingers then takes them in hims warm mouth, sucking vigorously, rousing Tom more than necessary. After Tom's pants are tented to the point of pain he pulls off Tord's boxers and pulls his fingers out of his mouth. He puts one finger slowly into Tord's tight ass, pulling gasps and moans out of him, his back arches when Tom starts bending his finger. When Tom slides his other finger in Tord becomes a writhing mess, grabbing the gray sheets below him. When tom thinks is stretched enough to fuck him he removes fingers, Tord whines at the absences but screams as Tom fills him to the brim. Tom sits still till Tord is pushing his hips towards his. Tom being an asshole pins Tord's hips down.

"Fucking Move." Tord grounds out when he realizes what Tom is doing.

"Move what? I don't know what you're talking about" Tom says to the hilt in Tord.

"Fuck me or let me go so I can fuck myself on you." Tord wiggles

"I think I'd like that." Tom whispers in Tord's ear as he wraps his arms around him and rolls.

Tord now straddling Tom starts instantly, bouncing his hips and hands propping him up on Tom's stomach. Tom grabs onto his hips to speed up the pace, giving them an almost violent pace. Tord screams each time Tom his prostate square on, as Tom gets closer his thrust get erratic.

"I-I'm G-onna-a CUM!" Tord screams with tears in his eyes after several proper thrusts.

Tord thrusts his hips one lasts time as he cums on Tom's stomach. Tom continues thrusting Into Tord, he rolls them back into their original position then throws Tord's legs over his shoulders and grabs onto his hips.

"Ah-hh Tom Stop That H-hurts!" Tord crys ripping at the sheets.

"Your ass isn't going anywhere till I'm done tearing into it." Tom says through gritted teeth.

"AHH!" Tord screams as Tom fucks him vigorously and rubs his member.

"W-wher-re do y-you get this-s stam-mina f-from-m! AHH-hh-H!" Tord screams. Tom a sliver from the edge, jerks Tord off violently, painting his hand with Tord's cum. Then finishes into Tord's tight ass and pulls out with a dribble of cum coming out with it. Tom flops down next to Tord on the bed panting like animals.

"Practice, you don't think I sleep on the street when I don't come home do you?" Tom says panting.

"I did, like an idiot like you could get laid." Tord says panting at least just as hard as Tom.

"Then what do you call what we just did, Ass hat?"

"Fucking me senseless." Tord says curling up to Tom.

"The fu-"

"Shut up." Tord says laying his head on Tom's shoulder. Tom looks at him in shock for a minute then decides to get over it, he rest his head on Tord's while wrapping his arm around his shoulders. He pulls the abandoned blanket up to cover them and realizes that Tord is already asleep. The little fucker doesn't look so bad with the soft expression of sleep on his face. Tom let's sleep take him too, wonder how Tord will react when he wakes up in his arms.

Bad Day (Tom x Tord)Where stories live. Discover now