While I was nibbling on a probably mouldy sandwich something hit me. I hated living with my deranged mother in our grimy apartment. Anger boiled inside of me and suddenly I was furious with my dad. How could he leave me all alone with some crazy lady? I'd looked after my mum all my life and I haven't got anything back; I wasn't smart, I didn't have friends nor was I very pretty. He'd left me nothing but a stupid watch that occasionally turned into a sword. He hasn't visited me, he hasn't called. I knew he wasn't dead and my mum refused to say whether she knew or not. Usually, when I'm really mad I plan on running away. This time it wasn't planning; I was doing.
I went into my room and grabbed the backpack that I keep hidden under my bed for emergencies. It's filled with food, water, bandages, clothes, jackets and thick blankets. I picked up the backpack and went into the living room. My mum was sitting in the brown leather chair reading the same article. I noticed that her eyes were closed and it didn't look like she was breathing.
I ran to her, I touched her hands; they were ice cold.
'No, no, no' I whispered.
As those words spilled out of my mouth the apartment was filled with smoke, black thick smoke. Not the kind of smoke that would come with a fire more like mist; except black and really thick. It smelt like cold, brutal, death. My mum didn't move and I knew this was my chance. I raced to the door, took one last look at my dead mum and shut the door behind me.
I didn't know where to go. I didn't know what to do with myself. I ran. I ran for an hour straight until I thought I could die. I ducked down I side alley. It was early on a Saturday morning and not too many people were about but I knew that the police would try and find me soon enough. I crouched down and pulled one of my five water bottles out. I took a sip and tried to not to think about my mum.
Why had she died?
Was it boredom?
Was she sick?
Did someone murder her?
I knew that I would probably never find out so I decided it would be best not to think about it. I immediately felt regret for being angry at my dad for not helping me. But yet again I was alone with no one I could trust. I had no idea where I was going but I needed to find I place that I felt safe and wanted. I sighed a big breath of relief, it almost felt as the past 2 days weren't even real. It was all one big blur. I shoved my water bottle back in my bag and started heading off again. I felt alone, hungry and more than ever I wanted I friend.
It was getting late so I decided to curl up in a nearby park. I wrapped myself up in jackets and blankets. It was fall going into winter so it was bloody freezing. The ice cold air pierced my face as a wondered how long it would be until I slept in an actual bed again. I sighed and drifted off to sleep. My dream was as crazy as ever. The same figure as the night before loomed over me. It spoke almost in riddles. It was speaking in I think Greek but somehow I understood every word.
I understood it so perfectly I scared myself:
Find me and be rewarded
Don't and you shall perish
Obey me and I will praise you
Don't and I will find you.
The figure loomed closer, it smelt like death, black, cold death. It put one of its gnarly hands on my throat I screamed. Everything went black. I woke with a start. I was hyperventilating and sweating like no other. I tried to calm down but the images from the dream kept racing in my mind. I felt as if the moisture had been taken out of my body. I tried to shake the feeling of the dream off me but instead, I broke down crying. Years and years of built up tears came pouring down my face. I was sad and mostly confused. Tears of anger and hate from all those people that had bullied me at all those different schools. I was usually pretty though and when girls bullied me I tried to brush it off but deep down their words cut me like knives. The worst part was that most of the things that the girls and mocked me about were true. My mum being crazy and my dad abandoning me. I calmed my nerves at looked up at the sky, filled with stars. I sighed and shakily put down more blankets and slept a dreamless sleep.
Yay more trash! Please let me know in the comments any errors that I've made (because again I'm sure there's 5000000). I hope that you guys are semi enjoying it because there's a lot more to come.

Bethany Gould and the Curse of Hades
FanfictionHope you enjoy this! If you have any questions or queries let me know in the comments. Also tell me if it's complete trash so that I can stop and you never have to see it again.