I stopped the fire. I ran to Sapphire. "Oh Sapphire," I cried. I put the necklace around her neck. She was the most important person I've ever met. And I allowed that old black fool hypnotize me.
I carried Sapphire to the lake. I knew it can heal. I dripped a drop of water to the lake. Then, I let the water surround her body. The water glowed. It brung her back.
The burnt skin turned back to fair skin. Her burnt hair grew back. All of her scars were sealed. Her beauty came back.
"SAPPHIRE! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! I know you'll never forgive me for this," I said. Tears welled up in my eyes. "I'm glad you're back." I hugged her.

Water and Fire
RomanceSapphire Queens, an orphan living with her grandmother, was born with a gift. A gift of water. Her boyfriend, Scott, however, also has a gift. A gift of fire. When the two got to the beach, a portal sucked them in, into a place called Gaeana. But th...