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17 weeks:

Meredith's POV:

Well everyone knows, they may not know everything, but the entire world knows that Dr. Derek 'McDreamy' Shepherd is no longer on the market. I thought he would be mad when I told him that I accidentally let it slip. We had decided not to keep it a secret, but not to go around telling people. We were just going to act normal, let people find out for themselves. That plan went completely out the window the minute I decided to open my big mouth.

To my surprise he wasn't upset in the slightest. In fact, he was overjoyed, and other than the words he spoke when he asked me to marry him, what he said to me that day might be the most beautiful thing I have ever heard

*flashbacks in italics*

"I'm home" I hear his voice as he comes through our front door.

"I'm in the kitchen!" I call back nervously as I continue to dry the dishes.

He walks in a huge smile on his face as he wraps me up in his arms, "I missed you this afternoon" he says pressing a kiss against my cheek.

"I missed you too" I laugh leaning into his embrace.

"How is little peanut?" he asks his hands moving to my belly.

"Hungry" I reply with a smirk.

"What do you want, I'll make it for you" he offers removing his arms from around my waist.

"Can we talk first?" I ask my nerves returning.

"Yeah of course" he obliges looking at me with eyes full of concern.

"I might have accidentally told everyone that we were married" I admit sheepishly.

"What?" he asks confused.

I begin telling him all the events of the afternoon and I am just waiting for him to be mad.

"I didn't mean to I blame the hormones, you aren't mad, right?" I ramble the words leaving my mouth at a mile a minute.

"Meredith" he softly breathes my name reaching for both of my hands. "I want everyone to know, you have no idea how proud I am to have you as my wife"

Since then life has been completely blissful. At first there was a lot of staring, every word we spoke, every time we made any kind of contact whether it be the light brushing of fingertips or a quick kiss was completely scrutinized. Eventually the whispers died down and the glaring subsided and we finally felt free, life finally feels normal.

I am sitting in class now, just thinking about how wonderful it feels to be normal when I feel it. At first it is so unnoticeable that it could just be hunger. But then I feel it again, the same flutter, and I know. My eyes widen as I wait for it to happen again. For the third time, I feel that unmistakable flutter and I can't help but move my hands to my stomach as tears spring to my eyes

I excuse myself from the class and rush to Derek's office to tell him, I felt our baby move. I swing the door open not bother to knock and what I see makes my blood run cold.

They are laughing as they correct papers their chairs far too close together to be appropriate. It is like getting a glimpse into my own life because when she looks up at him I see the look in her eyes. It is a look I know well, one full of adoration. It's the same look I imagine is on my face every time I look at him.

The door closing behind me alerts them to my presence and I watch as she scoots away from him sheepishly and a huge smile breaks out across his face. I look at her and I instantly feel insecure. She is gorgeous. Stunning, like a woman that you might see on the front of a magazine. Her body is slim and perfect and when I begin to think about my own protruding stomach I know that I could never compare to her in the looks department.

MerDer: Make Your Heart FeelWhere stories live. Discover now