Finding the Room chapt. 10

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Hi people I don't really have much to say so I'm just gunna go strait to the story.

Nikki's Pov

Brian takes my hand and pulls me with him to a room to stay in for the night. When we go up stairs and just pick a random room, then he pulls me in a room that he picked and closed the door.

So, this is the room we're gunna stay in? I ask


Then Brian begins to glare at me.

What? I ask

Nothing it's just... your so beautiful. He says. Then I begin to walk to him and kiss his cheek.

Aw... Brian, I love you.

I love you too.

Then we begin to hug.

Wait, wait, wait, Nikki.


I have to ask you something. Brian says


Then he gets on one knee and says " Nikki, I love you so much, so much that I can't stay away from you any more so Nikki what I'm trying to say is, will you marry me?"


Then we begin to hug each other again

Zac's Pov

When me and Miranda follow Brian and Nikki we pick the room across from them. Then we close the door and look around.

Wow. Miranda says

Yeah, wow. I say

This room is huge! I say

Yeah! Miranda says

And look at that bed! I point out

Yeah, it's huge. Miranda says

Wait look at that bathroom. Miranda points out

It's also big. I say

Yeah. Miranda says

Wait Zac, just think about it... big bed, big bathroom.

This must be the master bedroom. I says

Yeah. I say. Then I go and jump on the big bed.

Zac don't do that!


Because its wrong. Miranda points out

So, what? The people are dead. I say

Zac. Miranda begs

Miranda, just get on the bed. I say

Really?! Miranda says gladly. Then she gets in the bed and gets real close to me.

Wow you were right, Zac.

About what?

About the bed. It feels like I'm on a cloud.

I know. I say



Can I ask you something?


Would you ever marry me? Then I sit up looking at Miranda

Oh, baby... of course I would but, don't take this the wrong way but, right now just doesn't seem like the right time to get married. I say

Okay, as long as I know you love me that much and you would marry me. Miranda says

Anna's Pov

When we pick our room next to Zac and Miranda; Brianna,Julian, and I look around.

Wow, this room is really small. Brianna said

Yeah. Wait I just remembered when Mrs. Marla was telling us about the mansion I was reading more about the mansion it said " Kelly was one of the most hated maids they hated and sense they hated her she got the smallest room in the mansion" I said

So, if Kelly got the smallest room. Julian said

Then this must be her room. Brianna said

Yes. I said

Wow, that is actually really creepy. Brianna said in a freaked out way

I know. Julian says

Hey, guys I just thought of something. I say

What? Julian says

The bed is really small, where are we all gunna sleep?

Well, you and Brianna can sleep on the bed and I'll sleep on the floor. Julian says

Julian, are you okay with that? Brianna asks

Oh yeah, I'm fine with that. Julian says

Well. Okay. Brianna says in a sad way

About 2 hours later Brianna, Julian, and I went to the other rooms and told them we were gunna go to bed because we were tired then we went to bed.

Hi everyone sorry I haven't updated but the past few weeks I've had to much homework or I was busy so again sorry. But please VOTE SHARE AND COMMENT!!!!!!!! Thx!!!!! 😃😃

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