The Kitten's Mate

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"I may have just met you but I think I found my mate." I said looking into Darks chocolate brown eyes. "Now. It's dark out. Want to go to bed?" Dark asked me and I nodded. "Let's go." He said but my body wouldn't move, I felt myself start shaking and my movements were out of my control. Dark looked at me with the same look the man had when this happened to me before. "Stop it. Don't look at me like that." I said and I felt a warm touch grab me. I used my peripheral to see who it was. It was Aubree she was holding me and petting me. "He's scared Dark. You can't order him to bed. Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" She asked and my body stopped shaking, I nodded lightly and she smiled kindly at me. "I said. He's mine." Dark growled and I whimpered. "Dark. That's enough. He's yours. I don't want him. However, I won't just watch as the poor boy is scared shitless. So calm the fuck down, open you god damned eyes and look and the boy your ordering around. He's terrified of you right now." She said pulling me onto her lap. Dark looked at me before walking over to me. He reached down and picked me up out of her arms. He turned away and walked down the long hallway, he stopped at a black door and pushed it open. "Dark! Come here! I forgot I needed to give you something!" Aubree yelled from the living room. She was in front of us when I blinked. "My room." She said looking directly at him. He huffed and nodded following her out of the room. He walked, still holding me in his arms, down the long hallways once more, it seemed as every step we took the hallway got darker and darker. We reached the end of the hallway and it seemed pitch black. The only thing I could see was blood red double doors. She grabbed the handles of the doors and opened it. She walked in with Dark, once again following. It was a large room with a chandelier and a queen sized bed. "Keep your eyes on me. Let them wander and you won't live." Her voice was stern and I nodded instantly turning my head forwards. "What did you want?" Dark asked sternly and she chuckled. "Calm down Dark in not going to hurt you." She said walking towards the closet. "Keep your eyes on me." She said again and I nodded once more. She opened the closet doors and pulled something out. She walked over to me and Dark handing him something. "Why'd you give me this? Isn't it yours?" He asked and she grinned. "Thought you'd use it more than me. I don't really do that. I torture then kill. Nothing else. Besides you have him now." She said smirking and he grunted. "Thanks." He said turning around to the door. "Oh. One other thing Dark." "Yeah?" "I swear to god if you keep me up. I'm not going to be nice. Or go easy. I need my sleep." She said with a deadly look in her eyes. Dark gulped and nodded before walking out and the doors slammed behind us. He headed back to his room and walked in closing the door. He sat me down on the bed and was now towering over me. He put something around my neck and I reached up and touched it. It was another bell, but it was different. It had a shock collar attached. "Dark? What is this?" I asked him scared. "It's your collar. You are my pet." He said with a grin. "Ok." I said nodding moving back to the head board. "You'd look better without boxers on." Dark said and my face heated up. "I'm good." I said with a subtle nod. "Ok." He said as he started to remove his clothes. 'What was the point in putting a shirt on if he was just going to take it off?' I asked myself. "Come here." Darks voice brought me out of my thoughts. I scooted off the bed and to his side. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. He looked at me and smiled. My eyes trailed down to his lips, they were a pink plump color and I noticed his smile expand into a grin. "If you want to kiss me go ahead." He said I turned away. "Why would I want that?" I asked, my face flushed. "Anti?" Dark asked and I looked at him my eyes once again trailing to his lips. My eyes and mind betrayed my words. He continued looking down at me as the thoughts in my mind got worse and worse. As one thought popped into my mind I felt my face heat up majorly. "What's on you mind?" He asked and I looked away once more. "Nothing." I said with a huff. His hand slide down my body and I shuddered. "Look at me." He said lowly, I shuddered again. I turned to him, not thinking straight anymore, my instincts took in. I slammed my lips against his roughly biting his lip gently my tail wrapping around his hand guiding it under my shirt and I latched my hands into his hair. "God damnit Dark. I literally just met you and you already make me want you." I whispered out pulling away from him and he smirked. "Is your cat instincts kicking in yet?" He asked and I huffed, letting my tail pull his hand away. I walked over to the bed and plopped down. "Which ones?" I huffed again. "Mating?" He asked and I tightly closed my eyes. "I-I don't have those-those urges. I may be a demon but I'm still innocent." I said and he chuckled. "Really? Your innocent? You literally just said you wanted me." He said and I shot up from the bed. "I didn't say I wanted you! I said it make me want you." I said try to show what I mean. "Same thing right?" He asked and I shook my head. "No. If I wanted you." I said looking him directly in his eyes with a serious look. "I'd have you." I said standing up and walking over to him. "However. In a sense, you are still my master. Therefore, I'm anything you want me to be. If you want me to be innocent, I shall. If you don't, then I won't." I said with a smile. "So what your saying is, I can tell you to do something and you will do it?" Dark asked and I nodded. "Take them off." He said and I nodded. "Yes. Master." I said before removing my boxers. I dropped them to the floor as my tail swayed. "Sit down on the bed." He said and once again I nodded and did as told. I sat down, my legs behind me with my hands in front. "Tell me EVERY thing that your thinking." He said and my face flushed. "Every. Thing?" I asked and he grinned. "Every thing." He repeated, I sighed. "I'm virgin, I don't want to go to far, we just met not to long ago, what does it feel like to be touched? I don't my first time to be me touch myself. And finally, the most embarrassing one. God I want him to explore my mouth." I said the heat rising on my face. "Your a virgin?" He asked me then I thought about it. "I was. You were my first." I said and his eyes widened. "Oh. I'm sorry." He said walking over to me and sitting down on the bed picking me up and placing me on his lap. "It's okay master. I disobeyed I deserved it." I said smiling and he frowned. "Besides. It'll heal over time. At least it wasn't that bad. It hurt like hell but you could've fucked me then and there." I said with a kind smile. Then I realized I had said something just a few minutes prior, I hoped he wouldn't remember. "Wait." He said and I flushed. "Yeah?" I asked looking down. "Anytime you want to kiss me. Just do it. I'll always kiss back." He said with a wink and I didn't blush, I just smiled. I moved on his lap and a sound escaped my mouth. "D-Dark?" I asked, my face hot, I wasn't embarrassed though. "Why did I make that sound? Why did it feel good? Why is my face hot?" I asked him a spew of questions and he smiled. "That my little kitten, was a moan. It was pleasure. Your face is hot because it's a reaction to the pleasure you felt." He answered and I nodded. "How long have you been in that shop?" Dark asked and I froze. "Ice been in there since I was 11. Im 27 years old now. So, 16 years. I learned everything I know from the others there and the man." I said looking at him. "Till you came along he was my forcefully made master. Only because he was the only one to feed me." I finished sighing. "Dark?" I asked and he hummed. "Yeah?" He asked and I smiled. "What do you mean by, 'Anytime you want to kiss me. Just do it.'?" I asked and he chuckled. "Kiss me." He said and I nodded leaning up and kissing him. Without even realizing it my entire body had relaxed due to his kiss. Once I pulled away I realized I didn't want to. I touched my lips and looked at him. "So I can do that anytime I want?" I asked with a tingle of a smile on my face. "Yes." He said and I smiled even more. I leaned up and pressed my lips against his again and he instantly kissed back. He licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth. He didn't leave a spot in my mouth untouched and i pulled away for air. "We should work on that." Dark said and I looked at him confused. "On what?" I asked and he smirked. "Holding your breath."

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