Chapter 5: My Fault

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"Look at this hyung, what kind of girl like you doin' out here all alone? It'll be dark soon," a guy whos voice was as deep as velvet asked, making you look up in confusion.

Three men you never saw before stood around you, glancing down at your sprawled out figure on the grass. Quickly rising to your feet you stood up, stumbling as you took a step away from them. They seemed a few years older then you, creepy.




If she does die then we can't go to Hawaii....


Is that considered suicide?

Sure whatever you want to call it.

"Uh it is dark thanks for that information, I'll be going now," you mumbled out while hitting the side of your head trying to clear your thoughts. You then bowed slightly, an embarrassed blush rising up your cheeks as you reached for your backpack on the ground.

The guys smiled, but for some reason it didn't feel right, you felt weird goosebumps on your skin. All in all you just wanted to go home, slinging the bag over your shoulder as you frowned slightly at their grins. 

You tried walking pass them, to get to the right street, but they just blocked your way. When you tried to go left they blocked left, when you moved right they blocked right. At his point you were pissed off, glancing to see if there was anyone around that could help. The park was mostly empty except for a boy with mint colored hair writing on a bench, completely oblivious to the situation you were dealing with.

"Excuse me but can you please let me pass, I have somewhere to be," you huffed out nervously.

"Nah, you're not going anywhere babe," one of them arrogantly replied with a chuckle, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Your eyes widened and in desperation you tried sprinting past him. your breathe nocked out of  when one of them grabbed you by the waist and put you over his shoulder.

"AY LET ME G-" you screamed but then choked as they stuffed a towel over your mouth with this white stuff.


It's spelled Suga not Sugar god get it right!

You yelled when one of them slapped your butt as they high five each other and start to walk, but for some reason your mind started getting clouded and you felt very tired...closing your eyes you went into a deep sleep.

The last thought in your mind was how they left your backpack on the grass, and how hopefully no one would steal your phone.

If they did steal it you could wave bye bye to your life then, there would be no point in your existence anymore.


Jungkook POV

I knew I was too harsh on her, I knew I should have let her explain. I was just stressed enough about our debut, and I was tired, and I had to do math, and not to mention those three random guys we passed by that morning that were checking out y/n.

All in all it was a horrible day and I just took my anger out on her, when she didn't even do anything wrong really. She was just laughing, I love hearing her laugh more then anything.

I love her more then anything, not like she'll ever know. She doesn't need a guy like me, with me debuting our friendship will already be tested. I don't want to make it anymore difficult for her.

But I made up my mind to give her a break from me, after what I did she must hate me. So I gave her space, even if it hurt me to be away from her this long. I still walk with her to and from school, just not exactly next to her. But just a bit far away so I can see her but she can't see me, I still have to protect her. She's my best friend...and love, even if it's just a one sided love.

Today when I bumped into her I was about to just apologize right there and then, but she ran.

Honestly I can't stay away from her anymore, so I've mentally decided I would find her and get down on my hands and knees for an apology. I've been texting her but she hasn't texted back.

Can we talk...please? Mianhe, I'm really sorry and I was a pabo, I want to apologize in person <3

Y/n please don't ignore me, I miss you! I don't want us to be like this, answer your Oppa~!!

Okay I'm getting worried if you don't answer me right now I'm going over to your house

Your not walking home...WHERE ARE YOU Y/n?!?!

At that point I was circling the park, about to blow from all my nervousness. Where was she?! Why wasn't y/n answering? If something happened to her....NO! ANI...stop thinking like this Jungkook!

I decided to call her, and just as I was calling her he heard that ringtone, your favorite song.

Her ringtone.

Was she in the park?!

I followed the sound until I got to a clearing of grass, and there was her backpack...thank god.

"Y/N?! Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?!" I shouted picking up her backpack, I looked around the area but she wasn't here anywhere.

That's weird...she wouldn't leave without her backpack, shes like physically attached to her phone.

I checked her phone and saw all my messages....she never saw them.


As I was about to go look somewhere else I noticed white powder on the grass. Curiously looking at this nock out powder?!

Looking at the grass carefully I could also make out slight muddy footprints....three sets of men shoes...but no small girl feet.

All the blood left my face, I wanted to scream and slash at anything possible.

My best friend just got kidnapped...because of me...because no one was their to protect her.

It's all my fault...

It's all my fault.

No shit Sherlock.

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