Anger Problems; Katim (Mental Hospital/Past AU)

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Kate bit her lip as she sat in the corner, hugging her knees. Nobody in this place believed her, only one person did. That wasn't enough. Why can't someone believe her for once? Kate learned that people not believing her is on her list of things she hates in people. In this stone building, could anyone believe her? That a tall man with no face watched her every night and passing second.
She heard a movement of feet by her door, she looked up to see her only friend in her place. The only one who could believe her. He shared the same issue she had.
"Hey..aren't you suppose to be outside?" He asked, leaning against the archway of her open door.
She tightened her grip on her knees and laid her head on the tops of them.
"What about you? Aren't you suppose to be out there as well?"
He, Tim, shruggged. "I suppose so, but I just decided to check on you. Anything wrong?"
"Just..nobody believes either of us here. Doesn't it bug you just a little?"
He moved closer to her and sat next to her, laying his head against the wall and looking up at the cieling. "Of course, but it won't change a darn thing here." He looked over at her and smiled a little. "Is that what's bothering you? Or is there more that's bothering, Ms. Milens?" He tried to make her happy again with a lame joke. Even to try to get her to smile, justa little. Kate smiled, not because of the joke, but because of him. She found it cute on how he was trying to comfort her.
"Other than the feeling and fear of being watched by him, I guess that's it. I just don't know how to deal with it." Kate rubbed her hand on her face to move the black strands of hair that made it's way to cover her face.
There was a loud opening of a door down the hallway and loud footsteps echoing in the hallway. A grip wrapped its arms around Milens and pulled her close to its chest.
"Shh." Tim hushed as he held her close to him, she blushed and hoped he didn't notice. During the short while they were friends, Kate was growing a crush on him, but she would never tell him now.
Tim's eyes watched the boots of the guy walking down the hallway pass her room. Nobody was allowed to stay in their room while it was time to go outside and play with others, it was because of numerous reasons. But if you were sick or had to be kept inside and not allowed outside, that was the only restriction. Kate's heart stopped beating at a quick pace when she saw the man pass by her room, his grip wasn't as tight around her now.

Tim scooted back, letting go of his grip on her. He chuckled a little to ease the awkwardness between the two. Tim was growing a crush on her back, but he was sure she didn't like him back. And, how could he see her? Other than outside, he would have to sneak into her room. It wasn't a big deal for him to do, it was easy, but it happened too many times.
At night, Tim would sometimes run out of his room from the nightmares or the voices were too much for him, he would run out of the mental hospital or hide in the closet.

"Tim," he turned his attention to her now than on the weirdness between them. "Yeah?" He moved his head to the side as he raised an eyebrow at her. Kate sighed and pulled the hood up on her hoodie.
"We shouldn't do this.."
Tim was taken aback by this, what was she talking about. "This whole..sneaking into each other's room thing. I remember last night you snuck into my room and wanted me to comfort you. Baby." Kate giggled a little at the last part, Tim did sneak into her room a lot. Even though he lied a lot to her that it was nightmares, he lied because he was lonely and wanted to cuddle with her once again.

"Why? We never got caught with how many times I snuck in here. Why worry now about it?" Kate looked over and glared at him through some hair that laid in front of her face. Tim wanted to move the hair out of her face so badly, that would be too strange right now. "What if we do." She spoke coldly and went back to looking at the door. Tim sighed, not sure what to say. He moved some of his hair back that fell in front of his eyes. "Well, Kate, I'm sorry. Okay?" Kate huffed at his pled for forgiveness.

It felt like forever until the two talked again.
"Why are there so many non-believers?" Kate grumbled as she paced around. Kate growled as sue started kicking the wall, making some the paint chips on the wall fall down.
"Kate!" Tim whispered harshly at her to stop before anyone could notice the noise. She kept kicking the wall harder with each kick she made.
"Kate! Stop!" Tim tried again, and she finally stopped, making Tim be able to catch his breath. Kate spinned around to look at him, her arms crossed as she glared down at him. Tim got up and walked over to her, looking at the part of the wall she kicked.
"Just..what if we get caught.." Tim trailed off as she looked at her hands--that were in fists by her sides.
"You care about that now! Tim, you've should've worried about that way before!" Tim growled and tried to keep his cool.
"Kate.." He wanted to explain his side to her, but he had no clue how to put it into words. Kate shook her head, not having it.
"Tim, get out. Now." Tim rolled his eyes, getting angry by her attuide towards him. Tim walked out and went outside to join the others.

Sorry this sorta sucked, I haven't written Katim in a while. Any requests?

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