Chapter 1: Return Of Memories

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Hi! I'm Chloe Parker. I'm 17 years old and I'm a Senior in Pinewood High. I live in a Suburban Community. My parents and I have lived here since I was born. I have a brother and a sister, Caleb and Rebecca. My closest friend in Pinewood is Asha Collins. She has been my best friend since grade school. Today is my first day and I hope there is no homework.

"Rebecca!" I hear my mom calling me from the stairs. "Coming!" I go downstairs seeing my mom by the door with all my things. "Are you ready?" She asks me. "Yes and no." "Don't worry honey, you'll love it. Say bye to your dad, then we will go." She brings my stuff to the car and I go to my dad. I see him using his computer in his office, as usual. "Bye dad." "Bye sweetie. I wish you could stay here, but all kids have to grow up at some point." He hugs me and kisses me on the forehead. I go outside and into the car. "Let's go!" My mom says.

~Time Skip~

"Bye honey, be good!" I got my bags and entered the school. As soon as I entered, I saw many familiar faces. I immediately saw Asha, near tby the corridor to the right.

"Hey Ash!" I called out to her.
"Oh, hi Chloe! New year, huh. I'm excited for the first time! Basically saying, I'm excited to fail!" We both had a good laugh.

"C'mon let's go to the dorm!" She said. Oh and did I mention that she'll be my roommate this year.

Once we arrived at the dorm, I tossed my things beside my bed, and we went to the park, beside the campus, as our 'first day of school' tradition.


We arrive at the park and we sit in a bench under the large Mahogany tree.

"So what's your first class?" I ask her to strike up a conversation. "Chem, with Mrs. Jones." She says.

"Bummer, I'm going to Calculus, with Mr. Thomas." I say with a slight frown on my face. "That's fine. At least we're roommates. We could hang out in lunch too." She says with her confident voice. "Yeah I guess."


We arrived back in school. We got our books and went to our first class. On our way, I saw someone I haven't seen in a really long time, Kyle Kennedy, my grade school crush. I'm guessing he's new here, since I didn't see him last year.

"Ash, it's Kyle, remember him?" I told her. "Oh yeah, your crush back then. I thought you were over him." She said with a smirk. "I am." I said. "Girl, I'm glad you are." "Why?" I asked supiciously. "He always acted weird around you." "He's weird around everyone. Isn't he?" I raised my eyebrow. "Whatevs."


I entered my classroom without Ash with me. Didn't matter though. I saw a few familiar faces, even Kyle's. I decided to sit in the back, so that Mr. Thomas wouldn't see what I'm up to. Beside me was Alexa, someone I only met last year. I sat down and said hi.

"Hey Alexa." I said catching her attention. "Hi." She said quickly. She's a shy person who doesn't really focus so much on her social life. Instead, she focuses on her studies more.

"Good morning class! Please be seated, because I want to give you a quick quiz, about things that will help you with Calculus." Mr. Thomas came in and greeted us.

After passing my quiz, I tried to talk to Alexa, since she finished like 10 monutes ago. "Uh Alexa." "Yeah?"Her attention immediately went to me. "Wanna talk, like talk about life?" I gave her a small smile. "Sure, I don't see any reason why not. What would you like to talk about?" She said and clapsed her hands together.  "Life, I guess." I want to know more about her, but seems like it will be a long journey. "What about life?" She says. "I don't know, how about you're social life." "Nothing really happening." She says instantly. At this point, I just looked back at the board.

~Time Skip~

I left the classroom and started looking for Ash. Soon enough, I found her talking to a guy. "Ash!" I called out to her. "Hey Chloe! This is my friend Adam." She introduced me to him and I shook his hand.

I left them to talk, a few minutes after I saw them. I went to my next class, Giology with Mr. Clark, in the fourth floor, which 100% sucks. Then after that, I'll have to go all the way back downstairs, for my next class. I don't know how others do it. I guess my body needs some exercise, after slacking off all summer.

Once I reached the fourth floor, I felt like my body was made out of jelly. I got in my classroom and sat in the nearest chair to the door, which happens to be right next to Kyle. "Hi Kyle, long time no see." I say with a smile. "Hi Chloe." He smirks at me and I turn back to the board.

After class, I went to the first floor for Music class, with Mrs. Perkins. And it so happens that we were released late, so I had no time to waste. I went in the room and spotted Asha with a seat right next to her. I sat there obviously.

"Seems like you were released late." She says crossing her hands. "Yeah, and I came from the third floor." I said panting. "Nice. Luckily, Mrs. Perkins is late." "Hehe."

~Time Skip~

Asha and I went to the Cafeteria after class. Before going there, Ash needed to use the restroom. So of coure, being the good friend I am, I waited for her. After she was done, we headed for the Cafeteria. An guess what, we were late. Every single seat was used.

"Dammit, you had to use the restroom!" I exclaimed. "Hey, I really needed to go!" She shouted back. "You know what, let's just calm down and wait for someone to finish eating, K?" I said calmly. "Fine."

20 minutes later, no one has left, so we're forced to eat somewhere else.

"CHLOE!" Asha yelled at me. "What?" "There are two seats over there!" She pointed to the far corner of the cafeteria. "Finally!" We immediately rushed there. But, as soon as we arrived there, two other boys sat before us. And it so happens to be Kyle and Adam.

"Kyle, Adam, you took our seats! We have been waiting for 20 minutes! Please just let us sit!" Asha said pleading to them.

"We've been waiting for a long time too. First come, first serve." Adam said back to her. Asha meanwhile, was sweating from this. "Dammit!"

"Wait, let's let them sit, Adam. We could always find another table." Kyle said. "Thank you so much!" Asha said nearly crying. "No prob." Kyle gave us a smile and the two of them left.

"I'm happy the wait is over. Now I can enjoy my chicken." Asha and I started enjoying our food. "Food's so good!!!"

~Time Skip - End of the Day~

After school, Asha and I headed back to our dorm, to get some rest. When we got to the girls dormatory, there was a crowd of girls in the left corridor, which made us suspicious. We walked up to the crowd, but we weren't able to see a single thing. We tried jumping, but we still couldn't see it. At this point, we left it and went to our dorm room.

We arrived in front of the door and Asha just got the keys. She opened the door, then we put our books on our desk. I went to bed, but Asha went outside.

"I'll just go to... somewhere." She said. "Where?" I asked her suspiciously. "Somewhere..." She leaves the room leaving me with many questions. But instead of wandering all night, I decided to get some rest. I hope I'll find out what's up with Asha tommorow.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2017 ⏰

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