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"I would like to thank my parents and friends for their immense support. I would also like to thank the NATIONAL MATHS TALENT ASSOCIATION for giving me this award.Now i would like to dedicate this award to my mentor and lifelong friend,Mr Evans".

Peter saw the large smile on Mr. Evans face as he was coming up on the stage,and why not. After all, he was the one who had shown him what could be achieved by maths,good and bad.He always says,"Always remember BOY, A single great mathematician could defeat the whole U.S army

Peter handed over the large trophy to his mentor, who whispered in his ears,"You got press waitin' for ya , boy!!!". Peter was very surprised by this as, although he was the youngest ever to win  the NATIONAL MATHS TALENT HUNT examination (NMTHe)(at 16 years, 3 months and 5 days),the most prestigious national maths examination in the USA was known to only 10% of the population.

By this time Mr. Evans had completed his speech and both of them came back down, only to be crowded by Peter's relatives and friends.But his mind was thinking about something else.He was looking for that press man.His friends lifted him onto his shoulders,much to the surprise of others, they had unknowingly helped him spot the reporter, a well dressed man in a black coat with a diary and a pencil.He was wearing glasses.As soon as Peter got free, he went to the man and asked,"i certainly did not think that the press was going to be here."

He replied,"Gotta do what the boss says."

They started the interview with the reporter writing in a way that made Peter think he was doing this halfheartedly. it was over in less than ten minutes, and none of them complained.Peter was sure he didn't even write for the whole ten minutes.

As the man got up to go , he dropped a paper.Peter picked it up and was about to call the man but he was gone.He opened the page and was shocked to see that it was for him.the man had deliberately dropped the letter in front of him and vanished.then all his friends came back and Peter put the letter in his pocket .He thought he would read it tomorrow ,unknown to the fact that tomorrow may be too late.....................

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