Promoted (mature)

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- Kylie POV - 

As soon as his lips met mine, it was like i got hit by lightening. My body ignited and i straddled his lap. Never breaking the kiss. I sneaked my hands at the back of his neck and started tugging at his curls. He groaned softly and i giggled. I felt his tongue asking for acces and i granted him his acces. We began fighting for dominance and i gave up after a while. 

'Are you okay?' he asked with a hoarse voice. I nodded and kissed him again. He took his shirt off and i trailed my hands down his belt. 

'Do i even have to ask if you're sure?' I shook my head and he chuckled. While unbuckling his belt i was lifted up from the ground. I gasped and heard his laugh boom through the room. He carried me over to the bunch of pillows in the corner of the room. I know i know, why do you have a bunch of pillows in your studio? Simple its from a photo shoot for a night wear collection.. duh. Anyway that's detail. I unbuttoned the top of my dress and i saw him looking at me. Before i could say a word i was pushed into the pillows, Harry hovering over me as i pulled him down to kiss him. I sat up a bit and shook off my dress. He kissed my neck and i moaned as i felt him sucking on the skin. 

'Are you su-?' he asked me as he rested his head against mine. I nodded as i kissed him to cut him off. He slipped out of his pants. I bit my lip as i looked him up and down. Toned, a v shape.. wow. He was searching for something in his pants and i realized what it was. A condom.. ofcourse. As i looked to my right i saw the foiled package laying and i reached over to grab it, Harry still searching for it. I held it between my fingers and looked up at him. 'Looking for this?' i said while grinning. He nodded and i giggled as he hovered me once again to unclasp my bra . He took the package from my hand and laid it next to the place we currently were laying. 

'You're know that?' I blushed and drew him in once again. Kissing him until my lips felt sore when he released me. His hands trailing up and down my body and after a while his lips replaced his hands. He found most of my sweet spots and i felt things i never felt with anyone else before. I could feel his length against my inner thigh and i wrapped my fingers around him as i began slowly rubbing up and down. He buried his head into the crook of my neck and i heard him moan softly. As i was rubbing i felt his fingers tugging at my panties and manipulating my most sensitive spot.

'Okay enough of the teasing..Please make love to me?' i whispered into his ear. He slid on the condom and positioned himself against my entrance. I kissed him one more time before he slid into my body. My breath caught into my throat as he thrusted slowly. Never his lips left my body, sucking at every spot that was reachable. We both moaned and sighed in union. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. He groaned against my throat 'Ughh Kylie..' He continued moving thrusting, burying himself deeply every time he did. Droplets of sweat formed along our faces.  I began panting and he lifted me up so he was on his knees and i was pressed against his chest, never slipping out of me. I moaned and i felt the pressure building in my stomach.

With each thrust, he drew a gasp from my lips. He met my mouth and allowed me to release my moans. As he pulled me back i clammed a hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming it out. 'Let me hear you..' he groaned against my collarbone as he took my hand in his. I closed my eyes as his thrusts became sloppy. I raked my nails down his spine and i stopped holding back my voice. His eyes met mine and in that moment i felt myself letting go. His chest pressed against mine as i heard his unsteady heartbeat. He thrusted a few more times and i felt him twitch inside of me. As we fell together into the pillows i realized that i finally found the place where i belonged. All this time, i've been travelling and never really found a place that i could call home but now here in Harry his arms. I'm finally home. 

'Say something?' i heard Harry mumble as i realized that it was getting dark outside. 

'Like what?' i said looking into his eyes as i laid my head on his chest. 

'Like .. how you feeling?' he asked with a worried expression. 

'I'm feeling wonderful' i smiled up at him and he returned the smile back, looking satisfied with my answer.

'How about you?' He placed his lips on mine and i giggled. 'I'm feeling perfect.' We laid there a few more minutes until i decided to get up and pulling him up aswell. 

'So... what are we Harry? I mean we can't just be friends anymore... not after this' I motioned to the the pillows and the clothes. 

'Do you wanna try to be more as friends?' he asked and looked into my eyes. 

I bit my lip and frowned. 'I don't know... You've been my best friend for as long as i remember. Wouldn't that be weird?' He just laughed and i started dressing myself again. 

'Hey Ky... i'm sorry, look i wanna try but only if you want to' i looked up at him and i nodded. He took my hand and pulled me in for a hug. 'I love you..' he whispered in my ear and i kissed his cheek. 'I love you too..' i said. We both pulled away from the hug and i took my phone to check if i had any new messages. 

'Euhm Harry... even though i like this sight, can you please get dressed?' he tilted his head back and i smirked. 

'Why?' he asked while pulling his pants up. 

'Just got a text from Jason, he's saying that some of his old buddies are gonna stay over  and he's asking if i have a place to stay.. So i'm gonna go get my stuff and ask Liv if i can stay over at he-' i wanted to say 'stay over at hers' but he stopped me there. 

'U can stay with me and the boys? We have some place left i think' he proposed and i chuckled. 

'With some extra place, you mean the other side of your bed right?' He nodded with a smirk and i buttoned up his shirt. 

'So what you say? Wanna come live with me for a while?' I looked up into his eyes and smiled. 

'I'd love to' i said and he lifted me up from the ground, spinning us around as he kissed me. I giggled into his mouth and he putted me back onto my feet. I grabbed my heels and pulled them on before i grabbed my bag. He took my hand in his and we headed outside to his car. 

An hour later,Harry and i were in the car, driving to his house.  'So what we gonna tell the boys?' he asked as we drove onto the lane. We just came back from Jason's, packing up my things. 

'The truth?' i raised an eyebrow up at him. 

'O so we gonna tell them about our little adventure?' he smirked. 

'No! No we are not gonna do that besides you could tell them what we are?' i proposed and he nodded. He stopped the car and i got out to grab some of the boxes from the back of the car. Both with boxes in our hands, we entered the house. 

'Kylie!!' The boys yelled as i walked past them. They all pulled me into a group hug and i kinda got sandwiched. 

'Euh boys.. Can't breathe?' i said while trying to get out of their embrace. They pulled away and Louis took the boxes from my hand throwing them open. 

'Hey... be carefull with that' i said as he took out my book of sketches

'Why what is it?' he opened it and started looking through them. He gasped as soon as he saw what he was looking at. I smirked and took them from them. 

'Wow... Are those for your new collection?' I nodded and laid them away carefully. 'Yup, my first own fashion line' i said proudly. 

Harry grabbed me by the waist and pecked my lips. 'They are beautiful... so are you' he smiled down at me. The boys looked at each one of us and i chuckled. 

'Are you guys a thing now?' Niall asked. 'Yea, Kylie has been promoted from best friend to girlfriend' Harry said teasingly. I just chuckled and went to put my boxes away. The boys helped me unpack some of my clothes and by the time we finished it was almost midnight. 

'Okay we gonna go now' Liam said yawning and pulling the boys with him. I changed into my nightwear and went to grab one more cup of tea when i saw Harry walking up to me. 

'Hi beautiful, you coming to bed?' i nodded and putted my mug away in the sink. We both sank under the duvet and i curled up against him, hearing his heart beating relaxed me and made me relax. Soon we both fell asleep. 

A/N/ Okay before you guys think that i'm going way too fast.. I'm not, Kylie has a special personality and that will be clear when the story continues. Anyway First smug scene written ever. I hope it's not to bad. Comment and vote guys? Love, L. Enjoy!

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