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I published earlier by accident. Some people already went a head and read so...


Katora hung up the phone at the same time Chantelle entered the room. Sighing Katora folded Her arms and leaned back in the chair. She wasn't planning on giving Chantelle the news until she made the decision.

"Hey babe, "Chantelle greeted keeping her eyes on the papers in her hands.

"Hey. "

"You finished doing what I told you to do? "

"Yes I did, "Katora mumbled rubbing her arm.

"What about t-" Chantelle began only to be cut off.

"Yes. I finished everything you told me to do. "

Chantelle chuckled, "Just making sure. Are you going to stay in here with me for the rest of the day then? "

"That is the plan. "

Katora got up when Chantelle walked over to her seat. After Chantelle sat down she sat on her lap.

Reading Over her transaction sheets Chantelle shook her head then placed them on her desk.

"You okay? "She asked Katora while rubbing her back.

She was looking a little uneasy and it was bugging Chantelle's nerve.

Katora nodded, "Yeah. I'm just hungry that's all. "

"You want me to get some food delivered? "

"No, "Katora mumbled with her head Now Laying on her shoulder, " I want you to cook for me. "

"Hmm what do you want me to cook? "

"Anything with chicken in it. "

"You want some Cajun chicken lasagna? " Chantelle asked.

"Yes. With a lot of chicken in it. "

Chantelle Laughed, "With a lot of chicken in it." she repeated.

A couple seconds of silence passed as they cuddled.


"Yeah. "

"I love you. "

"You've been repeating that since last night. "

"Because I mean it and I don't want you to forget,"Katora pecked Her lips.

"I won't. I love you too. "

3 weeks later

"Katora! "Chantelle yelled struggling to get through the door.

She had recently went grocery shopping alone since that Katora wasn't feeling well. She quickly walked into the kitchen and placed the bags on to the counter . The same time she placed them down some papers fell onto the floor.

"Katora! "She called again.

She stooped down and took Up the papers. Looking at the letter head of the opened letter she frowned. It was a letter head with the name of a college in bold. She read the letter then looked through the others.

Chantelle picked them up and tossed them onto the counter. Anger and hurt is what she felt, but she chose not to act on it.

After packing out all of the groceries, she used the bathroom then made her way to the bedroom. Katora laid sprawled out on the bed with a pillow over head.

Chantelle untied her laces and took off her shoes and socks. Katora stirred in her sleep yawning loudly. She removed the pillow from her face and smiled once she saw Chantelle.

"Your back."

Katora moved over to where she was seated and wrapped her arms around her neck. Leaning over she tried to kiss Chantelle's lips but she quickly turned her head away.

"Come on. I'm not that sick, "Katora laughed try to kiss her again. Sadly she received the same reaction.

She unwrapped her arms from around Chantelle's neck and sat next to her.

"What's wrong? "

"I saw those college letters.  Are you planning on leaving me? " Chantelle side eyed her.

"Oh God no. "

"Don't fucking lie to me Katora. "

"I'm not. My mom called me a while back and told me about coming to contact with someone high Up in the ministry of education . She made a deal with them so that I could start college in a couple months. She said that I could come to a conclusion and get back to her. The college is just sending me letters to help me with my choice. "

"A while back? When were you planning on telling me? "Chantelle questioned angrily.

"When I made a decision  ."

"When you made a decision,"Chantelle repeated, "You weren't even going to consult with me. "

Katora remained silent.

"That shit hurt. Do I mean that little to you so you couldn't even involve me in your plans? "

Katora hung her head in shame, "Well you know now, so you can consult with me now. What do you think I should do? "

Chantelle stood up and turned around to look at her,
" I know that going back to college is important to you. I also know that how you were dismissed was unfair. You're still young and you should enjoy your college experience. Education is Key, but If you leave for college just know that there will be no more us. "

"We don't have to end it if I decide to leave. We can try Long distance, "Katora tried while trailing behind Chantelle as she walked out of the room.

"It won't work. I need you here physically. "

"If we both want it to work it will. "

"Trust me it won't work, "Chantelle replied reaching for the door nub.

Katora swiftly grabbed her arm.

"Don't leave. " she begged.

"Let me go ."

"No.  You keep walking out on me every time something happens. Not this time Chantelle, stay and talk to me. " Katora said tugging at her arm.

"There's nothing else to talk about," Chantelle stated flatly.

"Yes there is. "

"No there isn't,"Chantelle repeated successfully removing her hands.

Holding Katora's hands down at her side, Chantelle said in a calm voice, "Look, Get back to me when you're finished making a decision. I'll be at my apartment. "

Chantelle released her hands and reached for the door. Upon opening the door she looked back at her, "Katora please don't waste my time. "

Chantelle walked out the door and not once did she look back.

"Dee! " Katora shrieked when she noticed the kitten running behind Chantelle.

Chantelle picked her up and continued to walk away.

Groaning Katora slammed the door shut.


Look.  There's a fucked up person like Chantelle, who got a rapist on the loose and a messed up past. I would never end this book with something as simple as Katora leaving.

What do you think is gonna happen?

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