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"You gonna suck this dick you gonna ride this dick!" I shout,, rapping along to Lor Izzy while cleaning up around my apartment.

Music gives me the motivation to clean. But honestly, I wouldn't need music if I would have hired a maid.

"You gonna take this money cause you been a bum, you little weak bitch!" I shout while twerking my front ass, AKA my pregnant belly

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"You gonna take this money cause you been a bum, you little weak bitch!" I shout while twerking my front ass, AKA my pregnant belly.

I eventually stop because I'm out of fucking breath.

I sit down and rub my overly protruding stomach.

"Y'all asses so big. Probably got big ass heads like your damn daddy." I say while rubbing my belly.

I honestly just can't believe that Anthony got me pregnant with twins. Picking up my phone I scroll through all of the pictures in it looking at the pictures of me and Sam, Anthony, Mel and even Melvin. I just get so emotional.
I cry holding my stomach and think about how I encountered so many different people and how I ultimately left them.

I open my eyes to see bright ass lights and seem to be a little disoriented. I close my eyes again before attempting to sit up somewhat. Clutching onto my stomach I'm relieved to still feel my baby bump.

The sound of snoring startled me. I look over to the right and was surprised to see a slouched over Anthony asleep next to me.

I tapped his hand, and shook him, startling him out of his sleep.

"Who the f- Noble!" He screams waking up and feeling on me as if to make sure this wasn't a joke. I wave then point to my throat signaling that I need water.

He immediately runs into the hall before coming back not only with water but with a doctor.

"Good morning Noble, so nice of you to come back and join us. My name is Doctor Jackson" he says

This only confuses me more.

"What happened ?" I asked looking between the doctor and Anthony.

"We were able to get you here on time and stop the bleeding as well as prevent any harm to the fetuses. Glad to have you back. As to not put any more stress on you or the babies, I'm gonna leave you two to discus and I'll be back to check on you later." Dr. Jackson says before walking out of the room.

"Anthony what happened?" I said looking at him.

Before he can even respond, an angry Mel bursts through the door with a flustered Melvin traveling after her.

She walks up to me flicks me in the forehead before hugging me.

"What the fuck Noble! Don't ever scare me like that ever again!" She screams at me.

"I awkwardly pat her back before hesitantly asking her what happened because I honestly had no idea after Justin left my apartment.

"Mel what happened " i asked again

"Noble you tried to kill your self"

Thickums and The ThugOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant