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"Fuck" I yell out , my legs shaking.

"You like that baby?"

I shake my head yes as they dive back into my pussy, effectively slurping the soul out of me .

I try to push at their head, back away from me because I can't take the sensations anymore.

"Why you fucking pushing me Noble." Sam asks me.

I give a breathy chuckle before responding.

"Because... It's too much, my clit numb and shit."

She just laughs and continues eating me to more orgasms.


Feeling a hard slap on my ass I jerk awake.

"Fuck why you  always playing Sam." I say looking at her.

"Because you need to wake that ass up Noble. You know you got a doctor's appointment at 4 today." She says rubbing my ass as if to soothe it .

"Bitch, don't touch me with your man hands Samantha." I say pushing her away so I can stand up.  I begin  to make my way towards the bathroom so I could hop in the shower. Sam following closely behind me.

Coming up behind me and pushing me against the sink in the bathroom she starts kissing me on my neck.

"But you wasn't saying anything when these man hands was digging up inside you, just this morning were you." She says looking dead at me through the mirror.

Turning in her arms to look at her face, I kiss her lips before getting out of her hold and going towards the shower with  her following me again .

"I would have but you seduced me." I say grabbing my loofa and dove body wash. 

Grabbing me and pushing me against the wall I gasp as she whispers in my ear, "Well let me seduce you again."


The nurse leads me back to the exam room after doing my necessary procedures like height, weight, temperature, even a pregnancy test as my normal practice after getting pregnant by Justin, they became routine whenever I visited my doctor.

While waiting for my doctor to come back and see me I begin to think about how I got with Sam.

While waiting for my doctor to come back and see me I begin to think about how I got with Sam

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She was and still is a bad ass bitch. I was in a thrift shop going through the jackets on the rack when I saw a jean jacket that was perfect for upcycling. As I was reaching for it a thin brownskin hand, with neon green stiletto nail, snatched it from me.

I gave her a stank look, eyeballing her.

"Bitch, what you mad for? You got to be quicker than that." She says in a mocking tone.

"I want to be mad, but your a bad ass bitch, with good ass taste so I guess I'll have better luck next time." I say giving her another once over.

At my comment/compliment her face lights up, and she gives me a smile while holding out her hand.

"I like a humble bitch who's not afraid to give a compliment. Your beautiful too, my name's Sam." She says as I shake her hand.

I'm shaken from my thoughts as my doctor, Ms. Cheryl walks into the room.

"How are you today Noble?" She asks me as she walks into the room looking at her clipboard.

"I'm doing good today, Dr. Cheryl."I say as I fiddle my fingers, growing anxious.

"Well I'm just gonna get down to it with you today Noble. Your blood pressure and stress levels seem to be a little high. Your weight went down since I last saw you, when I was checking your hearing which is strange."

I look at her confused.

"Why is it strange, isn't that good. I'm not gaining unnecessary weight. " I say looking at her.

"Noble honey I thought you knew but I guess not." Dr. Cheryl says now scaring me.

"You thought I knew what?" I say side eyeing her.

"Noble your two months pregnant."

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