What I have to say.

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Mini A/N chapter just to let you know ) And please read it :)

If any of you who read my previous story see this I really want to say "big thank you" because I never expected so many reads! <3 I was shocked seeing two hundred and then within few weeks it was 1.3k! Love you guys even if I don't know who most of  you are :)

About this story. I know that most of you know that, but it's a fanfiction and I want everyone to realize. I love guys girlfriends/fiances/wifes from the bottom of my heart (here Sam & Myca) they're really lovely and I wish them best together with AA boys <3

But yeah here's my brusnop because I'm a dreamy bitch ;)

I don't know how it'll go, I have an ide for one chapter so idek... But for "Not such great trip" I had an idea only for chapter... Apparently 6. So let's see how it goes :) Someone can always write it with me :) I'm open <3

Another thing I would like to say is "I'm so incredibly sorry". And that's because of my mistakes. I type really fast when I have an idea stuck in my head and I don't really notice mistakes when I write, on previous story I even wrote "chair" without "c" or "hot" instead of "got", and several mistakes like this. because I'm a dumbass. And mistakes are hard to find when I get back to editing cause everything is so small and crushed together like a letter pasta in soup really. I'll try to be careful and avoid mistakes this time <3 I am also sorry for language mistakes, I'm not british or american but I'm trying my best :) Just leave me a comment when you see a language mistake and I'll fix it. Hey, I'm just a human ;)

So... I hope you enjoy the story :) Vote and let me know about stuff! Love you guys.

xxx Villain Rabbit

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