2: Beautiful nightmare

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In the movies and books, they talk about death in an intriguing way. They talk about how your spirit basically leaves your body the same way your best friend leaves your house after a sleepover; you want them to stay, yet you know it's time for them to leave, however much you would've loved it, you know they can't stay forever. Some even go as far as saying that angels dressed in white wait for your soul with open arms, and that there's always a beautiful white light at the end of the hallway.

What Scarlet has seen in the road of death so far is said bright light, which apparently isn't permanent as it disappeared as fast as it had come. Leaving Scarlet with the conclusion that either she's not dead, or she is and the above theories are nothing but that.

But she can't be dead...or well, dying!
There's a whole lot of stuff she has to clear up before she does die. If at all.

And Celine. Oh god Celine!

But then, the eerie silence, the bright light, however shortlived, was there. What has happened to Gold and Co.?

Maybe Scarlet really is dead.

Don't they say that when you see the white light others can't see you're dead? But she thought that is supposed to happen to good people, something she most certainly isn't. With her amount of sins, she sure as hell can't be welcome to heaven.

Wherever that is.

And then she hears it...


No? There's a distant voice protesting. She's not certain whether it's hers or someone else's.

Do people scream in heaven?

Maybe she is in hell after all.

When her head starts spinning from the effect of being hit with an extremely hard piece of wood, Scarlet realises that maybe she's not dead, rather, she must have passed out. This can't be happening! She has a responsibility, she has to find her.


That's all the reminder Scarlet needed; her baby girl. She pries her eyes open, gathering all the strength she has left to stop the rapists, it doesn't matter whether they've had their wicked way with her already while she was out. She's going to kill them, get out of here and deal with the consequences later.

Did she really pass out?

Or did she imagine it?

Yes you did idiot! Who passes out for two seconds?

Scarlet. That's who.

She groans as she shoves her hands forcefully forward to push whoever is on top of her off.

But her hands shove her forward instead.

Scarlet's hands hit the wall, a sharp pain cutting through them. There's no one on top of her. She blinks away the bleariness in her eyes, her head is spinning with squeaky noises of friction inside. She tries to force her mind to calm down and concentrate.

She blinks again.

That's when the noises begin again.

With her head still spinning, she turns to the direction where the voices are coming from, People are fighting.
When Scarlet looks closely, she notices a newcomer, he's just joined in on the party. Gold is in the corner leaning against the couch, his face is bleeding.
He's been beaten severely, much to Scarlet's satisfaction. All the while, newcomer is stuffing the other junkies with a punch-salad, maybe he isn't on their side after all. Scarlet's guessing the main course is done with but when she checks her jeans, the belt is still in place.

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