Chapter One

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Grey was a charming, 19 year old girl, from Missouri. She never thought she would be traveling the world yet she is.
"Grey! Hurry up honey! Your flight leaves in an hour." Her mom yelled from the downstairs of their penthouse.
"Coming Mom!" On the way to the airport Grey thought about what would happen over her next four years in London. Who would she meet? What would she do? Would it be all she had dreamt it would be? She thought about maybe meeting a boy, building a family, moving to London. Her family did not want her to go to London. They thought it was a bad idea since she has so many health issues. Grey could tell her mom was nervous and she didn't like it at all.
"Mom... Don't worry I'll be okay."
"I know honey, it just scares me. You being so far away for such a long time." She listened as her mother explained what she was to do when she landed in London, "call me, then go straight to your room to unpack." Grey then boarded the plane and left.
Several Hours Later
She landed in London and called her mom. Then she got her luggage and went straight to her room at King's College. Her roommate was a nice girl named Wren who came from Newcastle, England. "I'm going out tonight with a few girls from the dorm that I met yesterday, you should join us!" Wren said enthusiastically.
"Okay, I should really meet new people before classes start, so it sounds like fun!"

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