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At breakfast the next morning, Garrett sat with Lilly and Grace, barely touching his food. When Lilly asked if he was all right, he managed to smile and said he was just a little sad and wasn't feeling hungry.

Lilly stood from her seat and walked over, pulling his head down to kiss his cheek. He smiled and kissed hers, thanking her, "That made me feel better," he told her as she sat back down.

"Good," she stated, "I don't wike it when you're sad."

"Me neither," Grace put in, making eye contact with her younger brother.

He sighed, "I'm going out today for a little while," he said, changing the subject, "I might be home tonight, but I'm not sure."

Grace nodded, "Okay. I'll call the school and tell them you won't be in on Monday, as well."

"Okay," Garrett said, "Only Monday, though. I don't want to get on the principal's bad side. Let mom know I'm skipping, too."

She agreed and he stood, kissing the top of her head on his way out. Once back out in the cool, winter air, he began to walk. It was far too early to visit Jaclyn in the hospital, but he felt like going out anyway. Luckily, it was Saturday, so he need not worry about school, but what he did have to worry about was a very angry teenage girl.

He decided after walking for about an hour to go to the diner and get a bottle of water, so he started off and arrived around mid-morning. He sat inside for a short while, drinking his water and watching the television that sat in the corner of the counter.

Suddenly, a voice called out his name and when he turned, a resounding smack landed across his cheek, "Garrett, how dare you?!" Rosie said.

"What are you talking about?"

"I heard that you skipped school with Jaclyn, Sandra and Hunter yesterday. How could you do this to me? I thought we had something special," she rubbed the back of his neck with her hand as she sat the last sentence.

Garrett took her arm and moved it away from his body, "Rosie, I told you before. You're a nice girl and all, but I don't see you that way. You need to stop snitching on people and dumping things over their heads when you get angry. It's not mature and it's not polite."

"I ain't no snitch--"

"Come on, Rosie. You were jealous, so you told the principal, otherwise none of us would have gotten caught and Jaclyn wouldn't be in the--" he stopped himself before he gave anything else away.

"In where?" Rosie asked after he stopped so suddenly.

"Nothing, she was just upset yesterday is all."

"Oh, so she was in the depths of despair?" Rosie asked, adding a dramatic tone and hand motions with it.

Garrett rolled his eyes and stood up, "Look, Rosie. Leave me, Jaclyn and Sandra alone. You're a jealous child and you need to get over it. Find someone else to have a crush on because I don't like you."

As he walked away, Rosie stomped her foot, "You're only saying this because Jaclyn made out with you before and now you're hooked!"

Garrett stopped short and turned around, walking up to her and speaking quietly, "I have  not kissed Jaclyn. I have not kissed any girl, ever, no matter what anyone tells you. I also would never kiss you, so you need to get over it and find some boy who's just as skanky as you are to fool around with."

Rosie gaped and made a squealing gasp as Garrett walked away, running his hand through his hair. He quickly checked his watch, then began his walk to the hospital to meet Hunter and Sandra.

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