The Party

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Chapter Two


I smacked my head so many times now. Stupid, stupid, stupid me! I agreed to that Solian guy or whatever his name was to be his date. I'm so angry at myself, I could rip my hair off! But I can't ditch the guy alone in the party that will be cruel and suspecting. I hate when people suspect me.

I found a clothes store and quickly went inside. I looked at the gowns. One was too feathery. The other one was too big for me. Many were old gowns, and many were too big for me. A gown caught my eye. It was white and a little glittery with transparent long sleeves, a silky silver clothing with a bow at the hip that looked like a belt and it had paring silver sandals.

I went to the fitting room and put it on. It fits. I walked out of the fitting room. When the sales lady saw me, she approached me. "That gown looks dazzling on you, dear! I insist that you wear it at the party! Men will fall at your heels, and if you're lucky, the prince might notice you."

I smiled, sheepishly. "Thank you. But I'm not really going to buy this. I'm just looking, I don't have any money."

"Tsk! Tsk!" The sales lady said. "Dear, today everything at my store is free. Now I'll get a satchel bag for you to put your thing to."

She went over to a shelf and grabbed a bag. It was brown and it was made out of leather. I thanked her and put my blouse, my vest, and my cloak all folded in the satchel. I was still wearing my pants underneath my gown because the satchel was full.

The sales lady saw what was the problem. "Dear, you could put your bag here and so are your boots."

"Thank you."

"Ah, there is something missing from your gown. Oh yes! Your hair do. Would you like me to arrange it for you?"

I nodded. She arrange it then showed me my reflection. My eyes widened. My hair was tied into a 'bunnytail' (if you know what that is) and it was tied with a beautiful silky silver lace. I looked like the royal me. The one who always read in the royal library and dreamed for adventures.The one who traveled many lands in Kria for cultures. The one who wanted to break free and run like the wind. I didn't like the hair do. But the sales lady was so nice, I didn't want to upset her.

"Thank you, miss."

"You're welcome. Now go enjoy the night."


I walked to the town square where the party was held. When I reached there, sweet music filled the air, I saw people dancing in fancy clothes. Many of the townspeople were laughing or dancing. Some people were watching them upstairs in their houses. I saw two people sitting in two golden thrones.

They must be King Harold and his new wife, Queen Natalia, I thought. They look very royal like my father.

I sighed as I walked towards a crowd. It is time to find my so-called date. . .



I wore a suit and a red tie. My step-mother, Natalia, insisted to wear my crown, which I did.

I arrived at the party. Everyone looked at me as the trumpets sounds. My father, King Harold, walked towards me and patted me on the back. "This dear boy is my son," he said, his voice filled with pride. "Lucas got to boyhood to manhood. Cheers for my son!"

Dad was always like that. He makes his speeches short because he thinks long speeches will make the people sleep. "Thanks, Dad." I whispered.

"No problem, son," he whispered back, winking. "One day when Kate rules, you and your sister will defeat those Lunarians for vengance of your mother's murder. I will always count on you and Kate."

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