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Nyctophillia: A love or preference for night or the darkness

Hello, dear readers, and welcome to my first Pokemon fanfiction! I actually made a new account for Pokemon specifically, and as with my other works, I always have an introduction to tell a little about my personal views on characters (in this case, Grimsley) and the reader. This will also include Pokemon teams, and personalities. Without further ado...


-Appears, and usually is, very calm about most situations

-He likes seeing where his luck takes him. Not only in battles and gambling, but just generally in life

-Can be very quick minded

-When he loses his temper, which is relatively rare, he will lose it. His Pokemon will destroy you.

-Still fighting his gambling addiction

-Can be somewhat depressed at times when nobody is around, but he usually manages to keep his mind off of things pretty well

-Will make the most out of every opportunity he gets

-Is deathly terrified of bug types. He will scream like a little girl and hide in the corner from those things.

-Likes a glass of wine here and there

-Loves teasing his s/o. Prolonging the inevitable and pretending to be oblivious always leaves his s/o begging to just give her what she wants.

Grimsley's Team

Honchkrow- Defensive of her fellow Pokemon and trainer. Is used for stat lowering, and hard hitting. Also somewhat capable of taking hits.

Liepard- Sneaky, cunning, and merciless. She is able to dodge well, and has high agility and speed. Average attacker. Not capable of taking hits.

Umbreon- Assists with whatever she can, whenever she can. Very capable of taking hits. Mediocre attack strength and speed. Average agility.

Bisharp-Deathly loyal. Always looking out for fellow Pokemon and trainer. Is used as a set up Pokemon, as it is somewhat capable of taking hits. Its speed iand agility are average. Her attack is hefty, and the boosts from setting up make her a very hard pokemon to defeat if left to raise her stats.

Krookodile- Contrary to the rest of his team, which involves some sort of strategy, Krookodile is used for her brute strength. She is very hardheaded, and nothing will stop her from doing what she thinks is best for her trainer.

Houndoom- Used for her high speed and the ability to inflict burns. Being part fire type, she finds herself the defender from bug types to her team, and trainer. She often teases them about it, especially Grimsley.

I know he has others but they will not be mentioned. Sorry.


-Battles with a combination of strategy and strength, mostly strategy

-Depressed, fighting her inner darkness

-This is due to losing her father's(the only living parent she has) Pokemon to a group of thieves, when he abandoned her for being too weak.

-Another result of which is the constant strive to get stronger.

-Even though she is underaged, when she gets the chance, she will drink. The only alcoholic beverage she can stand is vodka, however, but she will smash herself when a rare opportunity rises.

-Deep bond and dependency on her Pokemon

-Always puts others before herself

-Fast thinker

-Distracts herself from depression through the outlet of battling. The adrenaline and fast pace of battling excites her to no end.

-Terrified of bug Pokemon, similar to Grimsley. Her Pokemon taunt her for it, especially Arcanine and Lucario. Serperior and Zoroark understand her fears, so they support (and often cower with) her. If she feels the slightest bit of crawling on her, she will have a mini seizure trying to get it off.

Reader's Team

Serperior- Used for his high speed to dodge attacks and outspeed foes. He is loyal to his trainer, and will end any jokes about her from other Pokemon. He will defend his trainer with his life. He does his best to comfort his trainer in her hard times, but doesn't really know what to do. He keeps her company until she feels better.

Stoutland- Used for defensive balance on the team. She is very gruff, and tends to joke around a bit with its fellow Pokemon. She is very lax, and does will in emergency situations. She is able to remain calm, and follow instructions she is given with clear thoughts.

Lucario- Cold exterior, distant to ones he doesn't know. Extremely discipline on himself. If he gets to know you, however, he will relax a BIT. He will joke around a lot, and is actually the most rowdy of the team. His high speed and attack, along with his expansive moveset, make him a valuable member of the team.

Arcanine- Proud of herself, finds herself its trainers "protector" from bug types. Frankly, the others are growing tired of it, but don't say anything. She isn't as great as she thinks she is. She always offers its help when she can, though... And finds her help to be the best.

Floatzel- Favorite move to use is aqua jet. He is known for his good balance of speed and attack. He is very sneaky, and often pulls pranks on his teammates and trainer. He wishes he knew how to sympathize better.

Zoroark- Used for trickery, often being sent out with the illusion that she is Arcanine, to keep bug types from attacking it initially. Likes to work with floatzel with his pranks. She often jokes around and messes with others with her illusions. Teases her trainer relentlessly, but stays with her trainer and tries to help her as much as possible. She is very good at sympathy, and acts accordingly to comfort her trainer.

And that's that! If you agree with the personalities I have set... Enjoy!

Oh, and also, as with all of my fics... NO LEMONS


oh and all art used is by me :>

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