Another Nightmare

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You were fairly comfortable with your room. You didn't really need much, the room came with more than you needed. Bed, nightstand, desk, bookshelf.... You wouldn't even use the majority of the furniture in the room, really.

You were resting on the bed when you heard a knock on your door. You opened it to face Grimsley. The color drained from your face as you recalled your conversation with him, and your conversation with Zoroark.

"Do not be afraid, (Y/N). I will not press matters from yesterday. I am simply checking in on how you are settling. I will not make you speak of what you want to remain untold."

You thought to yourself for a long while, considering what Zoroark said. "Would you prefer I leave?" You shook your head. "No, I... I actually need to talk to you. You got a minute?"

Grimsley nodded. "But of course." He sat down on your bed. You took a seat next to him. "I talked with one of my Pokemon who has been working with me on this... And she told me to consider talking to you. So here goes..." Grimsley nodded for you to continue. "I am fighting something within myself. Something so horrifically strong, I don't have to courage to even face it, much less take it on. I want to overpower that, Grimsley. But I don't know how..." He nodded, deep in thought. "What would you say you are fighting?"

"I... I'm not sure. All I know is whenever I try to face it, darkness surrounds me, engulfs me. And I'm sucked back into the memory... I'd rather not continue from there." She said, breathing slightly quickening. "I won't pressure you for more information, then, but know that with limited information comes limited results. I think I know what path you are headed down, which is why I wanted to discuss this with you at the party. Its a dangerous path. I could recognize it just from our battle, the way you fought. And your eyes... I could see your emotion in them. Your answers at the party only further confirmed my suspicion." He got up from the bed. "But we will no longer speak of the matter. I shall return, and see how you are faring. If you need something, you know where my chambers lie." He left the room, and you let out a random Pokemon. Just something for comfort. Floatzel appeared, and you hugged him. He awkwardly returned the hug, still not sure of how affection is properly shown. But he knew that it would help if he just stayed there. So he did. After a while, you patted him on the head. "Thank you, Floatzel... I know you don't really know how to handle affection, but... You're doing great." He smirked and nodded happily as you returned him to his pokeball. You laid in your bed, and slowly let exhaustion get the best of you. You couldn't help but think that something was missing... And you couldn't stop thinking of what to say when Grimsley came back... Perhaps it would be best to deal with it in the morning.

The next few days passed by uneventfully. Grimsley would visit during off hours, but would only discuss lighter subjects, such as battle strategies, and stories about events with his Pokemon. You grew rather fond of him. And it seemed he grew fond of you.

You actually had a challenger today, but your Pokemon were rather hyped up for battle. You won, needless to say. You laid in your bed and slowly let sleep engulf you...

You were surrounded with darkness. You saw your family before you. You turned behind you, and saw your Pokemon. You turned back to your family. To your Pokemon. You didn't know who to go to. Suddenly, Zoroark ran forward. You got ready for a hug when it kicked you back. "Weak as ever. No wonder they left you. And no wonder I'll do the same." You laid back on the cold floor, crying. You felt yourself drowning....

You woke up, with tears on your cheeks. You sat up and let out Zoroark. She looked sleepy, but you had to be sure. You embraced her, and she patted your back. Thank God. "I'm sorry to wake you up... Just... Another nightmare..." She transformed into a human. "I heard your conversation with Grimsley. He seems trustworthy... And is better than nothing. He seems to know what you're going through. Perhaps you should discuss this with him."

You nodded. You looked around, and noticed a glass of water on your nightstand that you don't remember being there. You went to get a sip from it, when you saw a note next to it.

"If you need anything, do not be hesitant to wake me. It is likely I will not even be sleeping.


You showed the note to Zoroark. She nodded. "Are you going to talk to him?"

You thought for a bit. "I.... I think I will." You said. "Okay. If anything goes wrong, all of us are here." You nodded and said, "Thank you." Before returning Zoroark to its Pokeball. You snuck your way over to Grimsley's room. You quietly knocked on the door, and he answered it rather quickly. He noticed the tears on your cheeks. "Come inside." He said. You did so. You sat on a chair and he took the one across from you. "What happened?" He asked, sincerely. Why did he care so much? Perhaps he doesn't want to see you go down the same path he did? Well, you weren't about to question it. You just told him everything that happened in your dream.

"Nightmares are nothing more than your deepest fears manifesting in the back of your mind, (Y/N). It doesn't mean anything. Your Zoroark still cares for you, correct?" You nodded. "You only had that nightmare because you fear her leaving you. I can assure you that the situation will never arise."

He moved to the chair next to you, and handed you a tissue. You didn't realize you were crying again. "...Why do you care so much, Grimsley?"

He looked up, lost again in thought. "You have a lot of potential, (Y/N). And I don't want to see it go to waste. You have many more open horizons than the majority of people I've met. And you have talent. Besides, I know what you're facing." He turned to you. "It isn't fun." He turned to face straight. "But you can't just fight it head on. It takes time to heal... But I want to help you with that. And I'm sure all of your Pokemon do as well." You nodded. "I'm sorry for bothering you."

"No, no... I'm glad you came to me. Please, take as much time as you need to regain yourself. I have time." You smiled at him. You never really noticed his featured until now... He was rather skinny, almost underweight. You could tell from his eyes he rarely gets sleep... His electric blue eyes were filled with yearning. His dark blue hair perfectly framed his handsome face... And you now noticed his scent, being in close proximity to him. It was light, and slightly minty. "I'll be back." He got up and left, returning shortly with a mug of coffee. "I would ask if you wanted some, but you need sleep." You nodded and swam through your thoughts. You began letting your thoughts ramble, one idea tumbling over the next, over the next. You started thinking more about Grimsley... You wondered about what his hair felt like. His hands. His lips... You realized what you were thinking and refocused yourself. "Thank you, Grimsley." He nodded and followed you to his door. "Get some sleep now, (Y/N). God knows you need it." 'Same to you...' You thought, as you walked back to your room. You let out Zoroark. "Thanks. That did make me feel a lot better." Zoroark nodded. She then tilted her head in confusion, before changing into a human. "Is that a blush I see?" Your eyes widened. "Wait-What?!" You turned away, and Zoroark could barely contain her snickering. "I'm sorry, but-- You would be so cute together! I SHIP IT-"

"ZOROARK RETURN!" You flopped onto your bed.

But... What if you could call Grimsley your own? No. He only wanted to help you out. Now you were just overstepping. Even so, just imagining that it were true... If only....

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