locus shows up instantly stopping fight

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"Your coming with me or I will kill her"
Locus that is donut and go ahead
"Ah please don't im too young to die"
(Locus lets go of donut and slit massachusetts arm)
Oh fine let him go I will come just don't hurt any of them
"Oh felix you have a heart what a shame must be in so much pain"
Locus said you who cried when I crashed your car into your mansion
"I didn't cry fine but both of them together cost me 10,00700 pounds and that was my well earned money"
Locus locus locus you killed a fue people not really well earned it took us tops 1 hour on each misson and we earned like 5000 pounds for each kill we made so yeah not that hard
(Locus stabs felix in bottem left rib and twisted the knife into felix and whtched him fall down in pain).

"Why won't you die felix"
I can't die stupid moron im a AI
(locus put hand cuffs onto felix and massachusetts but puts felix's handcuffs on way too tight so they slit his wrists alot of rosy red blood diped rapidly down felix's arm and he screamed out in pain but was just acting so locus would be satisfied)
"You can't take the pain felix"
Shut up locus you would be in tears at this point remember when me and you got captured and you cried for them to let us go what a funny night that was
"Not funny that was the first misson we ever went on and they tied me to a chair that was embarrassing and it was unnecessary"
You still cryed big fat baby
(Locus throughs felix and massachusetts in a sercure prison ship and flew to the old unsc base where the director was hiding out it was as long as the longest river and as spacious as a locus's mansion was before felix destroyed it)
"OMG evan the narrator bring my poor mansion up"
(Locus cried as I brung up his desised mansion)
"Stop it"
(Locus said with a huge puddle of his tears in front of him nearly deep enough to swim in)
Guy can we please carry on
"Fine director we have the soldiers felix and massachusetts you asked for can I have my pay now please"
Wtf locus has manners omg so amazing
"Coming from you felix"

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