the new soldier

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Wait who are you a looked at the weird looking soldier he had diffrent armor to the rest i mean still red but a diffrent type of armor i said what is your name that is when he replied you don't need to know since you won't breave for much longer as he stabed me in the arm I didn't evan flinch that I through a nife that went straight into his chest he pulled it out and recoverd rather quickly we were evanly matched.

     Looks like I will be here a little longer so what is your name soldier
"My name is simmons by the way don't kill me please"
I don't cear I replied viciously as i looked at the soldier i didn't reconise i repeated what is your name as I held my sharpest blade to his neck
Get off my favorite soldier said sarge
"What about me aren't I your favorite sir"
No simmons said sarge not really taking much notice
See nobody likes a kiss ass said grif the big fat ugly one, the only thing he is good at is driving and calling thing stupid names like the grifshot the soldiers name was massachusetts I reconised that name straight away it was my old well wouldn't say friend we didn't get on much always arguing but he was okay he didn't seem to like me much though he didn't speak much just gave me a dirty look and walk away.

       I went to red base to talk to massachusetts but he didn't seem to be there aparently he was at cammand getting "orders for red team" see i know it must be a freelancer and who I was thinking of but if he know it was me I don't know if he would be happy or mad last time well I stabbed him he shot me in the back we both suvived though i thought he died but oviously not he is here the pelican with him was inbound I was going to tell him still frightened about how he would react I forgive him but what I did was still kinder out of order evan though he did shoot me in the god dam back omg he landed what am I going to do tell him yes must tell him.

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