Rules Of Love 2

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 Rules 8 : The past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited or erased; it can only be accepted

Rules 9 :My problem is I can't stay mad. I always end up forgiving people, even when they don't deserve it.

Rules 10 :I may not be the girl that everyone wants, but at least I am not the girl that everyone's had

Rules 11 :Breaking a woman's heart is deeper than we realize. It destroys her outlook on love, her future relationships, and her peace within herself

Rules 12 :Never miss an opportunity to tell someone how much they mean to you

Rules 13 :It isn't possible to love and part. You will wish that it was. You can transmute love, ignore it, muddle it, but you can never pull it out of you. I know by experience that the poets are right: love is eternal.

Rules 14 : Sometimes you keep living in someones memories and then meet again to find out that the person is completely different person now. Ever happened to you ? It is a blessing to find out the present of that person so you can peacefully move on.

Rules 15 : You make me smile for no reason, you make me laugh at unfunny things, but most of all, you make me love you when I shouldn't be loving you.

Rules 16 : Leaving you was the hardest decision I had to make. It's not you, It's me. Cliche I know but it's true, it's about me. In loving you I lost myself. I was devoted to you. I worshipped you. I was addicted to you. Everything was about you, every breath I took, was for you. I was being molded to your liking. Slowly I was becoming less of me and more of what you wanted me to become. I was fading, so I let you go. It was difficult but I need to. I was losing sense of myself, I could not think for yes it was about me and in the process of losing you, in the pain, in the tears, in the heartache and the numbness that followed, after all the rush of different feelings and emotions had faded, I began to find myself.

Rules 17 : I think back to when you said that I would never find someone like you again. And I laugh. Today, you are an afterthought. A fringe idea. Two hands gripping a crumbling cliff. I don't come to your rescue. I've stopped reaching for the picture of us smiling. It's somewhere in a dump in Alabama. You only come up in conversation when someone says that they're glad I'm doing better. My last meal was a full one. I've stopped losing sleep over you. Everything I was has only become better. I am collected in all the right places, I have all my pieces in play. No part of me is stagnant, no part of me is waiting to hear back from you. And if I ever stumble across a rainy day when maybe the prospect of being with someone is a warm one, the first person I think of is myself. You stop coming up altogether. If I ever have the displeasure of thinking of you, it comes up like something a cat would cough out. I don't remember the last time a thought of you carried any meaning. I laugh because you had the pride to think that you were my everything. But how I see myself and my happiness will always be more than anything you had to offer.

Rules 18 : 

Tell her you love her even if the words fall out clumsily

and there is nothing romantic
about spilling groceries halfway to the car
after hearing something so suddenly
tell her you love her
even if you think it may be the moon
that makes you brave enough
to say such things
you admire how the light complements
the way she smiles
tell her you love her
even if you don't know how
everything you've done up to now
is just background to the words
you have yet to speak
tell her you love her
don't make her guess it
or act like it's just a footnote
to every rose you give
make sure she knows it
the moment that you do.  

Rules 19 : I don't regret loving you. But your love came with a lot of pain and a lot of hurt. I lost count of all the times I cried myself to sleep. I lost count of all the time I made you upset. We made wonderful memories together but we also caused each other a great deal of heartache and headaches. Along the way we lost each other in the twists and turns we were not expecting. If I could go back to the day I met you, I would never have crossed the street to say hello, not because I regretted meeting you or loving you but because I would have saved us from a great deal of suffering this loved caused us.

Rules 20 : I learned the hard way that loving someone isn't always about holding on. I held on to him so tight that he was gasping for air under my clutch. I thought I was showering him with love when in reality he was drowning right in front of me. The tighter I held, the more he slipped away. My love was controlling and I was suffocating him. It was too late by the time I realized I needed to let go, he was already gone and I had lost him.

 It was too late by the time I realized I needed to let go, he was already gone and I had lost him

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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