15. "Truth or dare?"

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Arnav’s POV

“Truth or dare?” Yuvi asked me when the bottle stopped spinning, pointing towards me. I, Virat, Raina, Shikhar, Mahi bhai, Sakshi bhabhi, Vinnie and Satakshi were now in Yuvi’s house, playing this game: Truth or Dare. I’m glad Satakshi could come as it was a Saturday and she had a holiday. I know, I know, I sound like a love struck teen... But I really am in love with her. Anyways, back to reality. It was my turn to answer now.

“Umm... truth,” I said. I actually found the truth option easier to take because I didn’t mind telling the truth and if the question asked is really such that you don’t want to answer, you can always not say the truth. After all, who can really look into your mind to see if you’re lying or not?

“Okay, now we’re going to extract your deepest secrets... Watch out!” Raina warned me and everyone at once started discussing about what question they should ask me. I saw Shikhar whisper something in Yuvi’s ears to which he nodded excitedly.

“Okay Arnav... Now tell us, if given a chance, who among all the girls present here would you date?” Yuvi put forward his question.

“Satakshi,” I blurted out, without a second thought and regretted it the moment I said it.

Everyone was like “Oooh,” giving me naughty smiles.

“This is unfair, Arnav! Now what will happen to our poor Viratttt?” Shikharpouted.

“It’s nothing like that guys. I just said it like that only. You see, I couldn’t have said bhabhi’s name ‘cause she’s already taken and Mahi bhai would have strangled me if I did. And Vinnie is my sister, how can I date her possibly?” I said quickly, making up for my reply. It was actually not a complete lie too.

“Hmm. Fair enough,” Raina said.

“Hey, wait... Vinnie is your sister?” Satakshi asked.

“I mean she’s like my sister,” I clarified myself.

“Oh...” Satakshi trailed off when Shikhar spun the bottle again. This time it pointed towards Satakshi.

“Truth or dare?” Vinnie asked, and she replied with a “Truth.”

“Oh, I know the perfect question to ask—Do you love Virat?” Vinnie asked excitedly, flashing smiles at Virat.

“What a question is this Vinnie! Of course it’s a yes!” Raina said, cheekily. Ugh. Not again. I was sick of people teasing Satakshi and Virat. Can they not really see that Satakshi is not into Virat? And vice versa...?

“Please, Raina. Don’t start again for god’s sake!” said the fuming Satakshi.

“Okay baba! Go on with your answer...” Raina said, putting up his hands in surrender.

Of course she’ll say she doesn’t love Virat, I thought, but her answer seemed to be otherwise.

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