16. "I'm over her!"

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*After a week*

Vinnie’s POV

“Hey,” I greeted Virat as he walked in through his door like I own the place. I threw my huge shopping bags on the floor and plopped down on the sofa to give my poor legs some rest.

“Woah, what is this?” Virat exclaimed on seeing the mess I’d created seconds ago.

“I went shopping with the girls today!” I grinned. He shook his head dramatically and gave me a you-would-never-change look, walking over to sit down next to me.

“Hey, be careful...Don’t step on the bags!” I cried out as I saw him carelessly step on a bag.

“Yeah, yeah,” he said, sitting down. “So what’s with this surprise visit?”

“What, I had called you before coming!” I pointed out that it was not a surprise visit after all.

Haan whatever. Is there anything for me in these bags of yours?” He asked with puppy eyes.

I was about to shake my head when I remembered about something I’d got for him so I said instead—

“Yep! Hold on, lemme show you!” and I hopped down on the floor, rummaging through the bags, frantically looking for that one thing. There! I got it and stood up. I held it out for display, showing it to him.

“I’m NOT wearing this!” He shouted, just as I’d predicted.

“Yes you are! I took so much pain in finding this!” I pouted, pointing towards the thing in my hand. It a simple tee, pitch black, with the words ‘I am in LOVE’ written in bold white letters.

“I don’t care. I can’t wear it. You know that!”

“Why can’t you? It only states what is true—You are in love, after all!” I gave him an innocent smile.

“No. I’m not. I’m over her,” he said in a matter-of-fact manner.

“As if I’m going to buy that!”

“I’m serious, Vinnie. I’m over her. Totally and completely. I don’t want to talk about her now, please,” He said firmly. I knew he wasn’t kidding when he said he was serious. I knew him too well to distinguish when he’s kidding and when he’s not. And I could clearly see the graveness in his voice.

“What happened?! Tell me!” I said, obviously concerned for him.

“What happened? When did I say anything happened at all?” came his nonchalant reply.

“Dude... You were like truly madly deeply in love with her... What’s with this sudden change in feelings?”

“Nothing re... It was just an infatuation I guess... It automatically went away... I realized we could be nothing more than best friends. And plus, I need to focus on my career.”

Just an infatuation? How could he say that? It was so unfair of him. I knew very well he loved Satakshi. He was definitely hiding something from me. The reason was something else for sure. I had never heard such bullshit reasons from him before.

Yaar... Spit it out! I know something’s troubling you!” I urged.

“It’s nothing Vinnie...”

“Seriously? Now you’re gonna say the ‘it’s nothing’ phrase to me too? C’mon, I know you better!”

“Fine. It is something. But I don’t know if I should tell you or not.”

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