Chapter Four

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Anne was awoken by a loud bang. She jumped out of bed and looked out the window. She forgot where she was for a second. Erik was outside with the children, riding the grass cutter, now fixed. They were riding it over snow towards a green patch of grass about two-hundred yards down the road.
"Mama!" Gwen yelled, seeing Anne in the window. Anne just waved. Thomas who was sitting on Erik's lap waved to her with a smile and she laughed at this sight.
She quickly got dressed and then grabbed one of her horses. She started riding, but then thought she'd better bring the other horse, just in case the cutter breaks again. Once she met up with the three of them Erik's face was one of insult.
"You bring the horses, why? Afraid this won't make the trip back?"
Just then the cutter let out a loud bang and turned off.
"You were saying?" Anne asked.
"I can fix this." he said.
"Well until then, I am bringing the kids back to the cottage for some breakfast before chores."
Erik huffed and started work on the cutter.
"Mama, did you see?"
"I saw, you both looked so grown up!"
Both children walked towards her and she lifted Gwen onto the other horse and Thomas onto hers.
"See you back at the house in a few for breakfast?" Anne asked.
"Be there soon." Erik said
When Erik did return Anne was just finishing clean-up and both children were out getting the eggs from the chicken coop.
"Anne, can we talk about what happened last night? Please."
"I don't want to talk about it Erik. Let's just pretend it never happened."
"No, I won't do that. It meant something to me."
"It meant something to me too, but I can't...I'm not ready."
"What are you waiting for?"
"I'm not waiting for anything, Erik. I'm just, I mean my heart is still broken."
"It will always be broken Anne, so will mine. But we can try to mend it, together. Yours and mine. You can't just forget how we both felt in that moment. I know you felt it too."
Just then the phone rang.
Anne walked over and picked it up. It was Charles.

"He's on his way. He'll be here by supper."
Erik sighed.
"Well isn't that convenient. Now you won't have to deal with this situation. I know how you love to run from things, I'll do us both a favor and leave."
"Oh Erik, don't leave things that way."
Erik didn't answer, he just walked away to his room.
Both Erik and Anne were silent to each other for the rest of the day. Anne spent some time in the greenhouse weeding with the children and Erik tried to help fix up a hole in the roof of the stables.
Once dinnertime came around they were on edge, knowing their time together was short now.
Erik started to say his goodbyes.
"Thomas and Gwen, you both have been so sweet to me while I've invaded your space these past few months. Thank you."
Thomas whispered something in Norwegian to Erik and he nodded. Must have been a secret between them. Gwen gave him a hug and said, "You will visit again soon?"
Erik looked at Anne and she smiled, "Of course he will."
They heard the jet before they saw it and they walked outside. Once it was on the ground Charles stepped out. Hugging the kids, then Anne.
"Thank you again, Anne. Everything is as it should be. He can come home."
"Home." Erik said. "It's not my home, but I have no other at the moment."
Anne felt uncomfortable at his comment.
"Goodbye Anne, and thank you."
"Goodbye Erik."
He handed her something and leaned in and whispered, "This is for love."
She closed her eyes to hold back tears and he smiled.
He and Charles waved goodbye.
She looked in her hand, the metal sphere Erik was playing with the night before was now in the shape of a heart, but it was only half of one.
When she looked at him confused, he looked at her through the window of the jet with the other half of the heart in his hand. She laughed.

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