Chapter One

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Anne saw the headlights dance across her wall as the car approached her small cottage. Her two young children were already asleep so she quietly opened the door to greet the visitors. The driver stepped out of the car first, her brother Charles who she hadn't seen in some time.

"Charles!" she ran to him, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Hello Anne." he closed his eyes, taking in this moment. "I'm so sorry, love." he said.
"Thank you." Anne replied with a somber look. Charles was referring to the loss of her husband. He was killed in a car accident just one year prior.
Charles smiled, "You cut your hair. I like it."
Anne thanked him. "I see the treatment is going well, you're walking."
"For now."

The man in the passenger seat walked towards her and embraced Anne with a smile.
"It's been so long." She said.
"Too long. I am sorry."
"And I'm sorry for your loss, Erik." She said, still holding onto him. His wife and child were killed very recently. He pulled back and nodded.

They stood in silence for a few seconds until Anne motioned for them to go inside.
"The children are asleep, so let's just keep our voices down if you don't mind.
"You have children?" Erik asked.
"Yes, a boy and girl. They were told we were having visitors, but I thought we'd fill them in together once the sun is up."
Anne got them settled in their rooms and they met back downstairs after a short time.
Erik was wanted back in Poland was all she was told. Charles and Erik kept most of the details from Anne, but she knew something serious was going on.
"Erik will stay here with you all until he  is cleared. I don't think that will be long, but he needs to be somewhere that the police have no trace of."
"I understand." Anne said.
"I will be the perfect houseguest." Erik said with a laugh.
"I'm sure it won't be for long, it will be fine. We can talk about it more in the morning, you should both get some rest after your trip."
With a yawn, they all turned in for the night.
When Erik woke, Charles was still asleep in the next room, so he headed downstairs. The cottage was small, old, you could hear every step he made with a creak and a moan of the wood. But Anne didn't hear him enter the kitchen, she was washing dishes, humming a song. Erik could remember her doing this years ago. It was always the same song. He could hear kids playing out front, their laughter made him smile. He looked up from his trance and Anne was facing him.
"Good morning." she said.
"Would you like something for breakfast?"
"Yes, please."
Anne handed him a plate of food and a cup of coffee which he gladly accepted.
They sat at the table in silence, drinking their coffee and nibbling on some eggs.
"This is delicious."
"Thanks, they're from the chickens out back. The children gathered them this morning."
"How long have you all been up?"
"We usually get up at first light. We have a lot of chores to get to. Feeding the animals and such."
"What kind of animals do you have?"
"We have a bunch of sheep, some horses, a dairy cow and chickens."
"Sounds like a lot of work. What do you use the sheep for?"
"I make clothing, we have a little shop in town. Had the shop for a while, it's doing very well."
"I'd like to see it." Erik seemed very eager to check out her shop.
Erik nodded.
"Okay, maybe we can walk down there while you're here."
They finished their coffee and talked for a bit.
"Would you like to meet the children?"
"I would."
Anne grabbed his hand and they headed outside.
"Thomas! Gwen!" Come over here please."
Thomas who is three walked over first. He is blonde with bright green eyes. He stood in front of Erik, studying him. Gwen, who is six approached with caution. Her hazel eyes slightly hidden behind her brown curly locks.
"Hello" Erik said, watching them, while they watched him.

"This is Erik. He's going to be staying with us for a time. He's a friend of Uncle Charles."
"Uncle Charles!" Gwen screamed. She bolted past her mother and Erik, running right for Charles who had just exited the cottage. Thomas ran after her, following his sister as always.
"My darlings!" Charles scooped up the kids and Erik and Anne walked slowly to them.
"Shall we have a foot race?" Charles asked and looked at Anne for approval.
"Just a quick one, we still have some more to do before the morning is through."

Both children jumped up and down in excitement.
Erik joined in on their race. When both children won, Erik jokingly accused them of cheating  which made Gwen laugh.
"Okay c'mon!" Anne yelled waving them over.
"We have to go to the orchard for some apples, would you boys like to join us?"
"Sure." Erik said.
"You go, I have a few calls to make. Rain check." Charles said, heading back into the house.
Anne walked back inside with him and grabbed a carrier for Thomas. She strapped him to her back and grabbed a few basket and slings for carrying the apples.
The orchard wasn't far, about a mile down the road. They walked back into the woods and there was a clearing with a few apple trees. Erik helped them gather quite a few. The basket started to become full. "Gwen, I will lift you so we get those last bit up there." Erik grabbed her and lifted her high placing her on his shoulders. They reached the apples with no problem.
"That one too!" Erik yelled. Gwen slipped the last apple into the basket and they headed back. Once they reached the cottage Charles was already waiting outside. He enjoyed seeing them returning with smiles on their faces. He snapped a picture with his camera. Gwen still on Erik's shoulders. Apples slung around his chest and Anne holding Thomas in a carrier on her back, carrying two small baskets filled with bright green and red apples.
He waved to them and they walk towards him.
"Uncle Charles, would you like an apple?"
"Of course!"
Erik placed Gwen on the ground and she grabbed a green apple from the basket. Charles took it from her and praised her for finding him such a splendid apple. The kids went in to wash the apples and Charles explained that he was leaving and would let them know any news when relevant.
"I probably won't be contacting you very often, I don't know how safe that would be."
"Okay" Anne said hesitantly.
"Well, I wish you luck my friend." Charles said as he hugged Erik and then Anne. "I'm going to say goodbye to the children."
Once Charles was in the cottage Erik turned to Anne.
"You're sure this is okay?" Erik asked Anne.
"I mean, you can put me to work, I can help at the shop or around the farm."
"Oh you will definitely not run out of work here. We would love the extra help."
Erik smiled.
Charles returned with the children and headed for the car.
"You're sure you can't stay another day?" Anne handed him a basket of food.
"No, I've been gone too long already. Thank you for the food. Is that jam?"
"Mother's recipe."
Charles said his goodbyes, but held on a little longer to Anne. "The next time I stop by, it will be for much longer, I promise."
"I know." Anne smiled.
Once the car was out of sight Erik asked what he could do first. Anne handed him a bucket.
"Milk the cow, please."
"Eh, no problem." He laughed and took the bucket from her, then headed for the stables.
"This should be fun." Anne whispered to herself.

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