Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

*Ryder's POV*

The lights were blinding and the screams were so loud it's a wonder my ear drums were not busted. Cheers and cheers among the stands, coaches yelling out orders, the announcer speaking and it was all there. I was standing on the field in the last quarter of the game ready to take this game home. The score was 43-43 and with only 30 seconds left in the game this is the play that mattered.

I waited for Ryan to throw the ball over to me completely focused on what I was doing. He got a clear view and threw me the ball and once I caught it I started running and dodging as I moved. The clock was ticking and people started counting down as I made it to the end zone and scored the touchdown right before the timer hit zero. The stands erupted with cheers and shouts of victory and the band started playing the victory song while my team ran up and lifted me in the air.

I was screaming at the top of my lungs enjoying my victory. The team set me down and I patted Ryan's helmet. "Great throw man! We did it!" I told him and then we all lined up to shake hands with the other team. After that coach had us huddle and gave us a congratulations speech before letting us head to the locker rooms to change.

Once I entered the locker room we all cheered again and screamed in joy. "Way to go Alpha! Another win!" Ryan told me patting my back. I smirked and started changing when all of a sudden a certain blonde hair blue-green eyed girl popped into my head. Now that the game was over she was all I could think about.

Carrie. My sweet sexy little mate has been front and center in my mind since I met her this morning. I didn't know why Ryan told me not to tell her we were mates until I did some digging. I had no idea she was the daughter of Simon and Amelia Davis. I remember my dad telling me about Amelia. After remembering this I discovered that the reason I couldn't tell Carrie was because she didn't know about werewolves. She didn't shift yet and didn't know anything about werewolves.

Sighing I changed wishing more than anything that my mate was here. After I was done I looked around and realized everyone else was gone and that coach was putting stuff away. I grabbed my stuff and started leaving. "Bye coach. See you at practice on Monday," I said to him.

He looked up and smiled at me. "Have a nice weekend Ryder. See you at practice." Then he went back to cleaning up. I opened the door and exited the locker room and then I smelt an amazing smell. It was vanilla with strawberries that mixed together very well. I looked up and stared into the eyes of the last person I thought I would see tonight. Carrie

*Carrie's POV*

I had been waiting outside the locker room since the team went in there and I was getting impatient. Person after person started walking out but they weren't who I was looking for. Ryan came out and his eyes got really huge at seeing me here. "Well I knew you were in love with me but I never thought you'd come to my football game," he said smirking at me.

I rolled my eyes while giggling. Another thing Ryan and I loved to do was flirt even thought it means nothing and we are just friends. "You wish. I'm to hot for you," I replied smirking and leaning against the wall.

He laughed and when he looked at me and smiled. "What are you doing here Care-bear? You hate football."

I shrugged my shoulders and looked at him like I was bored. "I had nothing better to do so I thought I'd come cheer you on."

He raised an eyebrow. "So that's why you're dressed up all cute?"

I blushed and looked down. I was wearing a light blue sundress with a jean jacket and converse. I was also wearing a locket, bracelet, my class ring and anklet. My hair was still wavy from earlier but was half up and half down and I had a little bit of nude eyeshadow on with mascara. I guess I can see why he was curious. I shrugged again and looked anywhere but at him. "I just wanted to look cute. Is it a crime?"

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