Moné, Hazbog, Papi, Tabs, Clapped, Coolstar123, MATT DAMON, octopussy have joined the chat.
Octopussy: what is this and why am I called octopussy?
Moné: good question, why are we in a group chat?
Papi: so I've brought you all together.
Octopussy: Josh, what the hell is this?
Papi: what? It's just a group chat."
Octopussy: just a groupchat my ass. That's what they all say.
Hazbog: um...I was in the bath why is there a groupchat. And uh who is everyone?
Octopussy: well the first person I identified was Ethan who is named clapped for obvious reasons.
Clapped: HEY! It's just who I am!"
MATT DAMON: of course you would say that.
Octopussy: then I identified JJ who is MATT DAMON for even more obvious reasons.
Hazbog: ok ok yeah well who is Tabs?"
Octopussy: wow you don't know. Well lets get to it Moné is Simon and Papi is Josh both for obvious reasons. Um and Coolstar123 is Vik. So that only leaves Tabs to be Tobi which was very obvious in the first place.
Papi: looks like you have everyone figured out.
Octopussy: yeah except for...WHY AM I CALLED OCTOPUSSY?!? JOSH CHANGE MY NAME.
Papi: damn ok sorry, I'm changing it
Changing nickname.
Papi: you good now?
Goldfish: I'm nervous.
Goldfish: OH I LIKE IT!
Papi: I'm good aren't I.
Clapped: fuck off Josh.
Tabs: what did I miss? And why is there a groupchat now?
MATT DAMON: I don't know honestly
Coolstar123: great name and all but... SHUT UP IM EDITING!!!
Coolstar123 has left the chat
Goldfish: yeah I was sort of in the middle of a nap so I'm gonna go back see ya.
Goldfish has left the chat
Papi: that didn't go as planned.
Papi has left the chat
Hazbog; damn well then
Tabs: you got that right
Clapped: ^
Hazbog, Tabs, Clapped have left the chat
MATT DAMON: Ksimon forever!
Moné has left the chat
MATT DAMON: ok then
MATT DAMON has left the chat
groupchats - sdmn
أدب الهواة"Josh, what the hell is this." "What? It's just a groupchat." "Just a groupchat my arse. That's what they all say." ♡ all rights reserved ♡ • ii ; xiii •