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Goldfish has joined the chat room 11:30 am

Goldfish: Oh Romeo, Romeo

Clapped has joined the chat 11:59 am

Clapped: are you going through a phase or something. You've never quoted Shakespeare in your life

Goldfish: nah I'm just saying stuff

Clapped: um ok, weirdo

Goldfish: rude

Papi has joined the chat 12:03 pm

Papi: so I see you guys are using the group chat

Goldfish: fuck off Josh

Clapped: what she said

Papi: well damn sorry, I was gonna see if you wanted to get some fro-yo.

Clapped: ooh I would love to

Papi: not you Ethan, I meant Alessandra

Clapped: she's to busy quoting Shakespeare

Goldfish: actually I would love too ETHAN

Clapped: say that to Josh not me

Papi: great then, I can pick you up in 30 minutes, unless your at the flat and I don't already know.

Goldfish: I'm at my flat yes. Sounds good, I look forward to it. I should quote some more Shakespeare before I leave.

Clapped: do it then

Goldfish: love looks not with the eyes but with the mind

Clapped: what's that from.

Papi: midsummer nights dream

Goldfish: A Midsummer Night's Dream

Papi: jinx

Goldfish: yeah, whatever. I'll see you in 30 minutes Josh. :3

Goldfish has left the chat 12:20 pm

Clapped: your flirting game is so weak Josh

Papi: I'm not trying to flirt Ethan, I just wanted to hang out.

Clapped: sure (with sarcasm)

Papi: I'm not, really I'm not.

Clapped: ok sure

Clapped has left the chat 12:27 pm

Papi: I'm not I promise.

Papi: maybe I am

Papi: ....

Papi: I hope not

Papi has left the chat 12:31 pm

Moné has joined the chat 12:49 pm

Moné: wth happened?

Moné: I think Joshua is going through a midlife crisis, after all he is pretty old

Moné: whatever tho.

Moné has left the chat 12:51 pm

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