20 Years To Life

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Step to the chair the judge told me. I did as I was told. Hold your right hand up said the officer. Put you hand here he said holding the Bible. Do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth si help me God. I looked at my mom wit sad eyes and then back at the officer. I do. Take your seat he said walking away. My lawyer walked up to me so Donika  Jackson she said wea were you the day of February 17, 2012. I looked down ashamed of the answer. At the Marriott hotel working I replied. Working doing what she asked selling my body I replied again with my head down. Mhm Mhm she said pacing back and forth. Who were you doing that for she asked looking up at me. My dad I said just above a whisper. Who she asked let the court hear you. My dad I said a lil louder. I couldn't even look at my mom i was too embarrassed. And how long this been going on asked the lawyer. Since I was 15 I replied. Whispers went all around the court room. I finally looked up at my momma and saw hate in her eyes. Why tf are you lying she asked me yelling. I swear it's the truth I said crying momma it's been going on forever. Shut up bitch she said grabbing her things and leaving out the courtroom. Ok lets take a recess for 2 hours she replied hitting her gravel. Everyone be back here by 1:00. The officers came and put the cuffs back on me a led me back to my cell.....

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