p r o l o g u e

58 6 2

word count; 1299

[ 2 1 1 7 ]

The night that Xavier, Octavien, and Octavia Rowan were born, the wind howled loudly outside, and the rain splashed against any given surface. The sky was dark, filled with clouds. Lightning lit up the streets below, illuminating the city.

Inside the delivery room was no better. Victor Rowan seemed fairly afraid of his wife as he stood off to the side of the room, pressed against the wall. The nurses were having a hard time delivering a baby, and trying to clam the Storm. Victor was secretly beginning to wonder if his wife was going to create a storm of her own inside the room.

Helena screamed out in pain, giving one big push before lying back against the pillows. Soft cries of a child rang out through the air.

Victor stood up straight as a baby appeared wrapped in blue cloth. He glanced at his wife who was breathing very heavily, before approaching the nurse.

He gently took the child from her, cradling the baby against his chest. "What are you going to call him?" Asked one of the nurses. Victor glanced up at his wife again. She nodded, to exhausted to speak.

"Xavier." He said, peering down at the baby.

"And the other?"

Helena and Victor both looked up then. "Twins?" She breathed?

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