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Cold and pitch black dark. That's exactly what it was like on the night I murdered two rival gang members. 

I was standing in a dark alley in the lower east side of Manhattan at about 1:29 a.m. while hiding behind a dumpster with my fellow gang member, Zane. The Serpent members, who stood side by side twenty feet away from us, trash talked our gang for god knows how long. I bet they were pissed that I alone have killed about twenty-three of their men just this month. This doesn't include the other nine that the other members in our gang has killed. I'm one of the best assassins The Red Devils has ever had and no one ever crosses me.

"What are they saying, Rose?", Zane questioned, snapping me out of my thoughts. There was a semi-frustrated tone in his voice and he had his arms crossed over his chest. I instantaneously turned to face him and placed my finger over his lips while shushing him. If they heard us, my plan would be ruined.

"Shut up, idiot. Are you trying to get us killed?", I snapped. He chuckled and I rolled my eyes at him in annoyance. "You're not funny, asshole." I stood up slowly, and looked over the old, rusty dumpster trying to listen to what the men were saying. It wasn't easy since the city was quite loud, even in the middle of the night.

"Those bastards took out thirty-two of our men this month!", the man on the left hissed.

"Has it really been that many, Gage?", the other man questioned back in shock. Gage nodded his head, and then started looking around to make sure no one else was there. Fucking Idiots. If they actually knew what they were doing, they would have found us easily.

"The boss has a lot planned for them", he replies confidently. "They won't see it coming". The other man laughed in an evil manner, with his hands holding onto his stomach. I tried my best to contain my giggles, but they were fools to think they be able to take us down. The Serpents may have a lot more members than our gang, but we are much smarter and highly trained. They, on the other hand, are super pathetic.

I crouched back down, and turned towards Zane, who was playing on his phone. He's such a big help. "Let's take them to Ty", I whispered. He dropped his phone, thankfully in a little grass patch near the dumpster, and automatically busted out in laughter. I covered his mouth, and peeked my head out to make sure we weren't heard. The two men were still talking away like nothing was going on just twenty feet away from them. "What's so funny, Zane?" He took deep breaths to stop his laughter, and I crossed my arms over my chest waiting to hear his "brilliant" answer. The fool almost ruined everything.

"The last time you said we would take them to Ty, you killed them", he chuckled. I rolled my eyes in disappointment thinking he would have something much funnier to say. In fact, I was a bit pissed because the last guys disrespected me, and he knew that.

"Seriously Zane?" I said while flicking him in the head.

"Ow! What the fuck" he hissed, while holding onto the spot where I flicked him. I laughed and grabbed my beautiful, large caliber handgun out of the waistband of my shorts. I was ready to kill, but I knew I had to TRY to keep them alive. It's really hard for me to control my temper.

"Stop fucking around, and let's get this over with". I stood up, and pointed my gun at the two guys, whom were now facing the opposite direction. I cocked my gun back and both men immediately turned around looking surprised.

And pull...

The loud gun shots filled my ears as I hit Gage in his right shoulder and the other man directly in the head. Looks like we're only bringing one man back to Ty. Zane was laughing like an evil psycho, but I ignored and proceeded to walk towards Gage, who was now hovering over in pain.

"Hello Serpents" I boasted, while placing my hands on my hips. He looked at me in terror, and I snickered with satisfaction. "Or should I say Serpent?" I questioned. "Your friend looks pretty dead over there". The man glared at me, and I could see the hate in his eyes.

"Fuck you, Rose", he blurted. I could tell that he immediately regretted saying this as I pulled out my semi-large pocket knife from my bra. I rushed towards him, and once I reached him, I punched him directly in the nose. I heard a crack, and blood immediately started to pour out. He took a few swings back at me, but missed each time. It was actually pretty funny. In the middle of one of his swings, I caught his fist and twisted his arm. With my other hand, I grabbed him by his neck and slammed him to the floor. Wow, he was such a weakling. 

Placing my right foot on his chest, pushing down hard, I could hear him whimpering in pain, and even saw some tears flowing out of his eyes. I crouched down so that I was looking him straight in his eyes, and held my knife against his neck. "How do you feel getting your ass kicked by a woman?", I questioned nonchalantly. He attempted to spit in my face in response, but it ended up on my shirt. What a shame. While laughing at his terrible aim, I pressed the knife further into his neck, but not so much that it was cutting into him. "I think you need to be taught a lesson."

I stood up quickly and kicked him in the shoulder, where I shot him earlier, and he squeezed his eyes shut while screaming in pain. Such a pleasant sound.

"I can stop all this torture if you come with us", I negotiated while stepping on his chest so he couldn't go anywhere.

"Fuck you, slut", he snapped. "I would rather die." Hearing those words made me lose control. Being called a slut was one thing I hated. It set me off, and trust me when I say that you don't want to be around me when I snap. I kicked him over and over again in the chest, stomach, and even in the shoulder where his bullet wound is. He started to cough up blood, but I kept going. No one disrespects me.

"Just finish him already, Rose", Zane yelled from across the alley. I looked up noticing the guy was practically almost dead. He was barely breathing and there was blood everywhere; it covered my face, my hands, and my clothes. I started to hear the police sirens forming in a distance, and saw Zane running out of the alley. I knew it was time to get out of there, so I pulled out my gun once again and shot Gage in between the eyes.

"Make that thirty-four men this month", I informed the corpse. The police sirens were getting closer, so I ran out of the alley as quick as I could. It didn't take me long to catch up to Zane. He was always a slow runner...

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