Capter Two: Girl Meets Boy

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I don't really have anything to say. Hehe. Not very good at this A/N stuff. But in this chapter there will be a Hunter POV but I'm not a dude so I'll do my best.


Chapter Two: Girl Meets Boy

Hunter POV

She was so beautiful. She walked into the classroom at the beginning of the day and sat down with a shy voice. She had long jet black hair and sparkling blue eyes. Then my eyes traveled to her chest area and I almost-

"Hunter! Stop! You are Hunter Green and you don't fall in love with girls. They fall in love with you!," I thought to myself.

Then I remembered her legs. Her leggings fit perfectly. Her legs were beautiful. Yet, in the long run, her face was the best part. So beautiful and innocent.

At the end of the day I saw her skip off to the woods. My curiosity got the best of me and I quietly followed her to see what she was doing. When I caught up she had stopped in this small clearing. It had a stream on one side that emptied into a clear pool. She was walking around, singing and dancing slightly.

Suddenly, as I watched her, my foot snapped a twig. Crap. I quickly ducked behind a tree as she looked around suspiciously. She had her back to me now and I decided to show myself. I walked up behind her and tapped her shoulder.


Rosalie POV

Suddenly, I heard a twig snap. I whipped my head around, looking for anyone that could have made that noise. Then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jumped about 5 feet in the air and was about to land on my ass, when I felt a pair of strong arms caught me. Whoever it was, smelled really good. Like fresh water and the woods.


"Hi, Princess," he said smirking, " No 'thank you'?"

"L-Let me go," I said stuttering and blushing furiously.

"Only if you say please.," he teased.

"No," I said gaining some courage.

"Ok. Your choice. I'm kind of liking this position," he said, wiggling his eye brows.

"Ugghh! You perv! Fine! Please. ,"I replied, annoyed.

" Are you sure?," he asked with a cocky smirk.

"Yes! Just let me go!," I said, angry and confused.

Then, he dropped me. Right into the pool of water. Uggghh, I hate him! As I was trying to stay afloat, my pumps slipped off my feet and to the bottom. He's going to pay.

"Ahhhhh!!! I can't swim! I can't swim!," I shouted, convincingly.

His smirk suddenly turned into a worried and determined face as he literally ripped his shirt off and dove into the water. Apparently HE could stand on the bottom. He swam over to me and held me up, but did it in a way that my legs were around him. He didn't seem to notice though, because he was studying my face. But, like, really close. He was leaning in, and I was mesmerized. Just as our lips where about to touch, he changed direction and whispered in my ear,

"Here are your shoes," I was about to smack him upside the head when he started nibbling on my ear, very gently. Then he kissed the soft spot behind my ear and swam away, leaving me dazed.

"," I gargled. Then I regained my senses. " HUNTER!!!!!," I screamed, as he was swimming away. I followed him, but he dove to the bottom and I couldn't see him. Just then, something grabbed my ankle, and my startled scream was cut off as I was pulled under water. I bet you can guess who it was. Correct. Hunter and I just stared into each other's eyes, when he........pushed me to the surface. I'm gonna kill that boy.

" HUNTEERRRR!!!!!!, " I screamed, " IM GONNA KILL YOOOUUU!"

We where out of the water then, and I was chasing him through the woods. He was laughing like a maniac and I was chasing him like one. Suddenly, I tripped on a log, felt my head smash into something, and I blacked out.


Whoooo!! Cliffy!! Don't hate me. Next chapter is COMIN soon.

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