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It all started a month ago~

I was still laying in my bed watching k-drama on my PC. When I first stabled on k-drama by accident, I was literally hooked to it. Well, I have to thank my best friend for introducing me to k-drama.

My friend's name is Maria. She is a super huge kpop fan herself and we became friends in elementary school. She always finds free time to catch up with her favourite drama's ever and that is 'Bad Doctor'.

Its 2017 now and she has better goals to achieve then to watch k-drama's all day long. She wants to work out and get very thin. She wants to have a S shape body as a model.

She always gets up super early in the morning to jog around the neighbourhood. Afterwards she will call me up and ask me to follow her to the gym. She always nag me about my body, how its so oit of shape and everything. (She even judges my own diet! She is so annoying but she is still my friend so I respect that.)

If I didn't want to, she will barge in to my house and dragged me there by force. (Yeah, she is pretty scary if you don't do what she wants...)

Well, I didn't want to because I want to catch up to my latest episodes of 'The legend of the blue stars'. It is my favourite drama of all times, it is very interesting how it is made to be. (I don't really have a choice, do I?)

Suddenly my phone started to ring. My ringtone is a korean group song called 'Not Today' by BTS. I  picked up my phone and check the caller . To my suprise its Maria. As I was saying that how crazy she will be just a minute ago.

I answered the call immediately...



I literally dropped my phone down on the floor and hold on to my left ear because of her screaming now my ear hurts so freaking much! It went on for 30 mintes or so, until I let go of my ear as it didn't hurt so bad anymore. I then bend down to retrieve my phone back and started to talk to her again.

'Don't yell through the phone line again, please I beg of you.' I said pissed off.

'Opps, sorry dude. I can't control myself if I see a handsome and kyute boy walking past me. You know me very well.' She said giggling.

'I know, so what's the problen about it. You already have over 4 boy crushes already. I smirked through the phone line.

'I know, but this is the one that I wanted to date. He is sooooo my type. Please come here quick, I'm not a good flirter.' She saidit and hung up on me.

-🌹Clothes inspection🌹-

I had my hair tied into a messy bun and I have my black nike hat to go with it. I have my addidas sweat shirt on with a sweat pants. And to top off my entire outfit is a pair of galaxy addidas shoes.

You could say that I am a bit too obsessed with addidas things. But I repeat that I am not. I just loved the texture and the soft fabric of it, that's all. I swear!

-🌹End of inspection🌹-

It took almost 20 minutes to get to the nearby gym. It is 5 blocks away from my home, I didn't use my car instead I am being eco-friendly to the environment.

I walked in to the gym when suddenly someone hold me by my waist and dragged me into a dark room with a small dim light on top of us.

I was about to scream but that persons hand blocked my mouth before I could make a sound. And it turns out to be Maria. She puts one of her fingers on her lips to tell me to shut up.

'Shhhh, he is right over there and I don't want to make any unnecessary noises to make him notice.' She whispered to me but loud enough for me to hear.

'Why are you so obesses
with the guy?' I ask .

'Look!' She turned me around as she said that.

And there I saw a very hot guy just across from us. And plus, he is wearing a white t-shirt with a pair of timberland boots. It is a weird combinaton but it does looks hot on him anyways.

Then, I saw him sweating like crazy. His veiny hands showed a lot more veiner than before. And he started to slowly taking off his white t-shirt.

I gulped hard at the scene of this. And then Maria snapped her hands in front of me, it then made me to junp back to reality. It startled me a little, her face blushed red at that scene as well.

We finally walk out of that room and started to work out. I go to the dumbbells section and lifted a 1 pound one (is it 1 pound or?). Maria went to the bathroom instead of working out . So she just left me out there all alone with that guy over there.

After about 15 minutes later, I've finished my first workout and when I turned around I saw a very familiar face and then I've realised that guy is actually Jeon freaking Jungkook.

-🌹Jungkook's pov🌹-

I wanted to go to the bathroom behind me to freshen up a bit after that hard and tired workout. I turned myself around and start headed to the bathroom when I saw a very familiar face there.

'Is that really Alexis?' I questioned myself when I didn't know what to do next.  I should go and say hello, but if it isn't her then it will be very awkward.

Then the girl suddenly turned around. And that just confirmed my question, it really is Alexis. So I approached her and we started talking naturally. We usually will have some troubles with talking to each other, but today feels like we are old friends and we didn't talked for awhile kinda feeling.

-talking about random stuff-

Soon, we headed out together to a nearby cafe called the 'Giant Bear Cafe'. They literally did have a giat bear suit in their cafe. And that it for special occasions only, like when some couples cane in they will tell an employee to put on that suit and go serve the couples.

And that went on until we have finally got together. That was the happiest day in my whole entire life.

*End of flashback*

The Boyfriend | FF Jungkook [MASSIVE EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now