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Another 2 months pass and Tim finally made his grande escape and was now trying to remember his way home, back to Sarah. Tim
walks down roads, alone and bare feet until he finally gets through the woods. It rained as he jogged down sidewalk, trying to find Sarah's house through the pricking rain. Tim stops in front of a house which seemed familiar. Too affraid to knock on the door, he started to scream her name and sat down on the cold stone. Sarah hears the screaming and sits up in her bed, holding onto her belly before slipping a coat and shoes on. She walks down the stairs quickly and quietly, thankfully her grandmother can't hear well. As she steps outside in the dark, she turns the light on for the porch. "Hello?" Sarah lifts her coat to cover her head before stepping down to Timothy and once she recognizes his voice and face she covers her mouth. "Timothy!" Tim gets up and quickly crosses the road, stumbling a couple times before holding onto her tightly. "I'm here, sweet Jezus I'm here." He walks back with her and rubs the back of her head. She presses her face into his chest and holds onto him as tight as she can before letting out a small sob from the overwhelming amount of happiness. Sarah clenches onto the back of his shirt before looking up at him. "I can't believe you're here," she whispers. "I must be dreaming again." "You're not, I'm here." He whispers into his hair before feeling his knees weaken and Tim kneels down with his arms around her waist. "I'm never leaving again."

It's r..raining Sarah, you should go inside, you can't get sick!" She hushes him as she kneels down and covers them both in her coat. "Come inside with me," she whispers. "You must be hungry and tired. I'll take care of you now." "No, I need to take care of you. Come darling." Tim helps her up and walks inside with her. "Does your grandmother know?" He whispers as he kisses the top of her head. "Know what," she asks, unsure of which part he could be referring to. "About me, the person who made you pregnant." He shrugs softly as tears of happiness drop down his face. "No, she doesn't know you're the father. She thinks it happened after you went to jail because I told her a story but the most important thing is that I told her I want to keep him. Nobody listened to the truth about me and eventually I just stopped talking to people about it." She sighs and cups his cheek before bringing him inside. "Just tell her im a friend okay, we will work everything out later." He whispers as he walks into the hall with her. "Let's go upstairs okay?" Sarah smiles softly and nods before taking his hands and holding them gently as she leads him up the stairs.

"So, is everything alright? How have you been and what have you been up to? Tell me everything." He opens the door to her room and smiles before sitting down on the edge of the bed with her. She settles down on the mattress and sighs happily before pointing to her belly. "I've been up to this and taking classes for an associates degree." "Oh lovely. I'm so proud you baby." He wraps his arms around her and kisses her forehead. "God I missed you." "I missed you too," she whispers in his ear before pulling his head down to kiss it. She rubs what was once his soft brown curls of hair and now only what the razor left on his head. "I've needed you, Tim." "I needed you too, you won't be alone again I promise." He sighs as he rubs her sides before her bump. "I missed you." "Timothy, I've missed you so much and I never knew how unbearable life could be without you," she whispers before throwing her arms around him at the clap of thunder and bright bolt of lightning. "I'm sorry. You're save." Tim rubs her back soothingly and places kisses in her hair.

"Is there something you want to do or talk about? Do you already know the gender of the baby or anything?" "I haven't gone to get the most recent ultra sounds yet but I...I think it's going to be a boy and if it is, I want to name him after you." She says while slowly withdrawing from burying her face in his neck. "You're so precious, Sarah." Tim whispers before cupping her cheek and kissing her gently. "You're going to be a great mother." "I hope. Hey, I want to discuss something." He stands and walks over to the door to lock it. "You will be quiet right?" Tim turns around and pulls a gun from his pocket which he had stolen from one of the cops after he'd escaped. "I'd like you to join me for a grande finale." "Tim what the fuck?" She whispers before giggling. "I'm  five, nearly six months pregnant. How can I help? Id only be a distraction," she whispers even quieter than before. "You will keep an eye on the outsides while I get the money, can you do that princess?" He crouches in front of her before putting the the gun away and kissing her bump. "After that we will be Rich and we're going to get married. Alright?"

She smiles and cups his cheek while covering her mouth. "You mean you want to marry me?" She nods as she holds his head. "Fine, I'll help you out." "Well, I don't have a ring or anything but." He moves on one if his knees and rests his hands over his before holding them and kissing them. "Deary Sarah Trenton, would you marry me?" "Yes, Timothy. I most certainly will marry you." She smiles and sits on the floor with him before kissing his cheeks. "I love you so much." Tim whispers while looking into her eyes. " It is getting quite late, is it all possibility for me to stay here? If I have to, I will sleep under the bed or in the closet." He chuckled and rubs her back. "You'll sleep in my bed with me," she whispers before slowly standing and pulling the covers  back. "You can change into some new clothes though. Your bag is in my closet." "This prison jumper is quite comfortable though." Tim sighs and stands. "Can I help you with anything?" "No baby," she says softly before leaning back and groaning as she stretches. "Get into some clean clothes for me and get into bed. That's all I need." Tim nods and walks over to the closet to open it and grab a set of clothes. He hid himself behind the closet door to hide the wounds he got from the fights and the gashes he got from the other prisoners who tried to stab him. He inhales sharply as the fabric rubs over his ripped skin and sheds a tear before undressing himself and quickly putting on the sweatpants and pulling on the dark blue T-shirt. Tim steps out of the closet and sighs before crawling onto the bed. "Sarah? Would you come and lay here for a moment?" He opens up his arms and sighs. Sarah turns to him and smiles softly as she nods silently. She climbs onto the bed and carefully moves down onto her side inside his arms. Carefully, she wraps her arms around him and her legs with his. "Mm, you're a much better fit than a maternity pillow," she whispers before giggling.

"You're much better than every pillow I held, pretending it was you." Tim holds her carefully before hiding his face in her hair and softly sobbing. "I love you." She rubs up his back as she frowns slightly at his tears. "Oh baby,"  she whispers before tenderly kissing under his jaw. "I love you too. Don't cry, baby. You're here now and I'm never letting you go." "I just," he clears his throat and smiles softly. "Just missed you a lot. I know you're never leaving because you're mine." Tim shrugged softly before spinning a strand of her blonde hair in his fingers. "You look cool as a blonde, I must say." He whispers and closes his eyes before resting back. "I changed it so they wouldn't find me but apparently, it didn't work. I like it too. What do you think of auburn hair though?" She rubs over the remains of scars under his shirt before stopping. "Timothy, what did they do to you?" She whispers in horror before lifting his shirt. She covers her mouth as she looks down and turns him carefully over. "Timothy," she says in slight shock. Tim pushes his shirt down before taking her hands in his and kissing them over and over again. "I know baby, don't look. It is okay." He whispers before pulling her up slightly to hold her closer. "It is okay."

She sobs softly before slowly wrapping her arms around his neck. "Oh my poor, beautiful, Timothy," she whispers between kisses and tears. "I'm so sorry they did this to you." "It's is my fault, tommorow will be my grande finale and then we will live our happily ever after, losing our troubles and heartaches..wouldn't that be nice?" Tim dries her tears and kisses her cheek. "Come on now princess, relax and close your eyes." Sarah smiles and nods before resting in the crook of his arm, looking into his eyes. "I can't wait for forever with you." "Eternity?" He sighs and rubs her back softly. "Even better," she whispers with the closing of her eyes.

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