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"I already told you Danny....He's the CEO of a company" I said turning around so that my back could face him.

He is the only person who can find out when I lie.

I knew if I faced him he would instantly find out that I'm lieing. I just kept praying he buys my lie.  But I was interrupted by his laughter.

It was not a genuine one.

It was a forced laughter.

"what's wrong with you Danny? You've been acting differently. Girlfriend problems?" I asked turning to face him.

Yup he was dating.

As usual our parents didn't know about this.

They have been dating for the past 3 years and if anyone knows about this it's only me. My parents think he's too young to date and it's all infatuations. So it was kept a secret between both of us. Now that he is older and he's with the same girl it's clear it's not a teenage infactuation. He's deciding to tell them about his love life but he knows they are gonna be mad at him for hiding this from them for 3 whole years. So he's a bit hesitant on telling them now.

"what's wrong with me? I should be asking you that Ara.What's wrong with you?" he asked a bit annoyed.

"I don't get what your trying to tell me. Come to the point" I said folding my hands.

He went up to his laptop and opened it.

He typed something in it and came to show it to me. I was startled at what I saw. On the laptop screen there were various news and information given about Adrian. The first one captioned "most dangerous Mafia in the country".

I couldn't relate to what I was seeing.

How did Danny get this information?

Did he really search up Adrian on the net?

"explain this Shit to me" he said throwing the laptop on my bed.

"it's not true" I stated.

I know he's not gonna believe me.

Gosh I don't even know why I said it in the first place.

"really? What is not true Adrian being a CEO of a well established company or he being your lovable boyfriend?" Danny asked me looking straight into my eyes.

"he being the CEO" I said softly looking down.

"why did you lie Ara?"

"are you gone nuts? You are dating a Mafia. Not a just a member of the mafia but the head of it. Do you even know what your putting yourself into?" he literally yelled at me.

I don't blame him for doing that.

He is just worried about his sister's life.

But this is exactly why I lied to them.

"this is why I lied to you people. I knew you'll would react this way. That's why I hid it from you'll" I said.

Danny's expression changed he was no longer the angry brother he was a few minutes earlier.

"I want an explanation Ara. An explanation for everything that has been happening" he said calmly sitting on my bed.

I sat opposite to him and took a deep breath and told him everything. I told him how I met Adrian and what I initially felt about him. I told him about my kidnapping and Adrian rescuing me. I told him about Adrian's past and as to why he is doing this job. I told him how he changed because of me and how loving he is now. I told him everything about Mr.Owen his revenge...the fight...Everything. Only then did Danny understand me.

"if you hadn't to read these things on the net you would have thought Adrian is just another normal gentleman who loves your sister crazily. Right?" I asked him.

He didn't say anything he just nodded.

"Exactly.....its his job that makes him like that. You too know very well Adrian is a nice guy and he would do anything to keep me happy. I see what people don't see. What they see is a dangerous Mafia boss. What I see is human being who was wronged at a young age and who is still struggling because of it. Can you believe the fact that you played video games and had breakfast with the boss of the most dangerous Mafia in our country? No right. That's because he didn't make you feel that way." I reasoned out.

"Ara your life is in danger if your gonna date him." he said.
"I've already been kidnapped thrice one by my boyfriend who back then was a pain in my ass and twice by his enemies. I was nearly killed. But after all this here I'm sitting in front of you perfectly fine. It's only because of Adrain. The girl who was scared of insects and darkness is now dealing with guns and weapons to defend herself. What more change do you need. I know to protect myself and if ever I can't I know Adrian will do it for me" I said sincerely.

It was true though.

The past one year has thought me a lot of lessons.

I am no longer that timid girl who is sacred of darkness or insects or robbery. I have changed into a bold person who cannot be easily broken.

"Ara.....Adrian is not a bad guy. He never was. It's his job that makes him bad. What are you gonna tell mum and dad? How are you going to convince them?" he asked with concern filled in his eyes.
"honestly speaking, I have no idea. I'm just so happy for Adrian right now because he is getting the love which was snatched away from him when he was kid. I don't want this love to turn into hatred. He's had a lot since childhood I don't want him to face this." I said sadly.

"for the first time my sister is being sensible" he said and gave me a smirk.

"shut up" I said throwing a pillow at him and we both started laughing.

"but on serious terms I'm by your side Ara. I completely understand your situation and I feel you both are perfect for each other. He has faced so much in life at an early age.....he knows the dark side of life. He'll be the best guide for you and when times get tough your craziness will lighten up the situation and most importantly both of you'll will be each other's pillar of support. I just hope our parents understand what I have understood" he said. 

God is he my brother or a philosopher? 

From when did he start talking such knowledgeable stuff ?

But whatever said and done I was truly happy that he understood me and if needed he'll stick to my side. I was so proud of him. I was proud of his understanding level.

"I love you my brother" I said while crawling on the bed to the side he was seated.

I hugged him tightly and he returned the hug. 

Today I won't be lieing to my parents about this entire thing if they had to be a little more understanding and broad minded. Yes they want me to be settled in life. But they need to trust my choices and decisions. Money and prestige is not everything. I hate hiding stuffs from them. I hate lieing to them but I need to do it. I'm forced to do it because if I tell them about Adrian they won't think twice before planning ways and means to separate both of us. I just wanna give them time to get to know Adrian.

Get to know how he really is.

How much he is in love with their daughter and how much he respects them. Maybe after realizing all this they may not mind about Adrian's job.
I guess it's because of my parent's approach to a relationship is what's holding back Danny as well from sharing his love life with them.

Thanks guys for hanging on till now. If the chapters were boring so far I promise that the upcoming chapters are going to be fun. Here after every chapter is important in its own way. Please do read it. And please take some time to read the importance note I have for you guys. It'll be up in the next chapter. Please take time to read it before you can begin with the chapter.

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