Chapter One: The New Guy

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Everything in the WWE was normal. The Superstars did their thing and nothing really stood out backstage. News broke out that someone was signed by the name of Finn Bálor. He wasn't your average joe. He would walk around aimlessly backstage and never spoke. Some would say greet him but he would just raise his hand giving a quick glance and start walking faster. Finn wasn't exactly the best guy to have around. The only thing that really stood out was his skill in the ring. His opponents would spend nearly the whole match on the receiving end. Nothing could stop him. Rumours began to circulate that he was using enhancements. But the tests proved otherwise. Others said he was a criminal, a merciless killer. But he had no record. He was a clean fighter. 

For the past few months, the crowd really got behind him. They loved the man known as Finn Bálor. He would awkwardly paint his body every now and then and act even stranger. This made his peers nervous about him. It became proper to stay away from him. Little did they know, Finn felt alone. He didn't understand why he was hated backstage. He never targeted anyone or did anything to offend them. All he did was fight properly with the aim of winning. That's why everyone was here right? They realize they are fighters and should expect to get hit right? He didn't know anymore. As long as the pay checks kept a roof over his head and a full belly, he continued to do his thing.

One night he was strolling backstage with his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. The hallway was empty. He would see someone but they would quickly retreat to a different room. There was just something about him that made him a ghost. Was it his personality? Was it that stare? Finn nodded it off and continued to walk. He could really use some happiness right about now. Finn left the arena with an hour before his match to buy himself a treat. An ice cold, delicious, banana, ice cream cone. That really made him happy. It's a shame no one was there to see it though. He hoped that if his co-workers saw him jumping around licking an ice cream, he would be less feared. But he wasn't in for faking emotions for attention. His time will come. Hopefully. 

Finn continued to lick his ice cream and roam the arena. He would always hear everything around him. He knew the whispers as he walked past.

"Thanks! I'll be sure I won't hurt it again...K bye! Oof!"

As Finn was walking around a corner licking his treat, he bumped into someone. Finn's ice cream was smothered all over his face and half off it was on the floor. He looked down at his empty cone and the melting frozen delight below. He glared up to see who bumped into him. The one positive thing of his day faded away. His emotion showed sorrow. But her's was fear. Her eyes widened as she shook her head in disbelief. She just embarrassed Finn Bálor and ruined his snack. She was in for a beating. The girl slowly paced backwards nearly crying as Finn licked his lips and cleared his eyes from the mess.

"I...I'm...I'm so sorry. I," her voice drifted off in shock.

Finn hated how she was scared and he knew exactly why. This was his chance to show he isn't a bad person. Before he could say it was okay, she ran. Tears fell from his eyes as he watched his innocence run beyond sight. Maybe he could clear the air the next time he saw her. After all, that ponytail stands out from everyone else.

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