Chapter Twenty: Whatever The Cost

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"What the fuck! What the fuck! What the fuck! What the fuck!"

Finn continued to pace his living room. What does he do? He sworn he would protect her. But if he goes there, she will be hurt. If he doesn't, her pain will be inevitable! He has to humiliate Sasha so he can have Bayley. But she's been so good with him! It would kill their friendship! Not only that but his life savings will be gone too! If only there was some other way. Finn reached for his phone and texted the contact "Bayboo!" with a little heart beside it.

"Aaron, can't we settle this some other way? Like a fight or something? This is completely uncalled for."

Finn waited.

"We can easily settle this some other way."

"And what would that be?"

"Walk away."

"A short video was sent of him patting Bayley's stomach. Finn could see her twitching. 

"I'm not leaving her."

"Then do as you were told. The longer you wait, the longer Bayley lies here beside me."

"How do I know you won't hurt her?"

No reply

"Can I at least talk to her?"

"You'll get your phone call when the job is done."

Finn sighed as he pulled up Sasha's contact info. His hands were sweating as he sent her a text message.


"Hi!" she immediately responded.

"How are you doing?"

"Alright I guess? Little bored. You?"

Finn really wanted to tell Sasha what happened. But he didn't want to affect her reaction having it seem fake. He wanted it to be one and done and he'll apologize later. But he had to do it nonetheless. Bayley was counting on him. He couldn't bear the fact of Aaron doing things to her as she lied on the bed against her will. Shivers went down his spine.

"I'm bored too," he replied 

"I see. How's Bayley doing?"

No! Why does Sasha have to be so damn considerate?! Finn slowly replied.

"She's fine."

"What is she up to? She hasn't responded to a single one of my text messages!"

"Well she is currently not in the house. She's busy doing other things. Her hands are tied."

"She at the gym?"


"Performance Centre?"




"Then where is she?!"

"Last time I checked, she was grocery shopping."

"And she couldn't answer her phone?"

"Maybe it died? Look Sasha, I'm bored and so are you. Why don't we go out for lunch?"

"Hold on."

Finn waited as he finally decided what he was gonna do. He just hoped Sasha would forgive him. She'll understand, hopefully.

"Let's do it!"

"Alright, I'll pick you up shortly."

Finn grabbed his keys and walked out of whatever door was left. The drive felt so long as Finn went over the scenario in his head over and over. Every time though would come regret. Maybe he should tell Sasha. He didn't want to risk it though. Bayley meant too much. Finn arrived at Sasha's house and approached the door. He wiped his sweaty hands on the fabric of his jeans and knocked on her door. 

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