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I watch Mahrosh's retreating back as she moves towards the car, I don't want her to take this decision, I know how much she loves her family, she is a family person, she had never suffered that pain when you are all alone in this world, I have been through that and now I don't want HER to feel that pain. I just wanted her to be happy with her family, but I think I have been a selfish jerk, just because of me she is going through this, maybe I should have left her alone, I should have distanced myself from her, I shouldn't be in her life, she would be happy then, if she stays with me she will lose many things just like me, I can't drag her to the darkness I have lived in. I don't want to her to experience how hard it is to live like this, she is a happy, cheerful girl, but now darkness in my life is affecting her, but how can I do that? How I can let go of her? She is my light, my love, my hope. I can't let her go, I won't do that. I will bring that smile back.

Umair thinks it will be easy for him to take me down by using Mahrosh as bait, I will tell him who he is messing with, he has chosen a wrong way to get to me and I will make sure he will pay for it.

Mahrosh is not my weakness; she is my strength, always had been and always will be.

I made some important calls for transferring her family from this city which I know will be difficult because of Uncle Ehsaan, he won't agree to go, but I have to do this not for their safety but for Mahrosh as well. I climb into the car and started driving. I glanced at Mahrosh, she was still crying, but silently as I could see tears rolling down from her eyes which she was cleaning roughly by her hand. She didn't look at me; her gaze was fixed on the window. The ride went quietly, when we reached home, I entered the code and drives through the driveway and parked in front of the main door, after turning off the engine I looked at her she was looking at her hands on her lap. We sat there quietly, after ten minutes she lifted her head and looked at me.

"They will be safe, if they live away from me?" she asked, "I don't know Mahrosh; you should ask yourself, would you be able to live without them? Look I know why you are doing this but it's not the right decision." I answered, she nodded, "I know it would be hard for me to live without them but Ehteshaam it is life, we have to make some tough decisions, we have to do it whether we want it or not it has to be done, it's the way of life, and now I have you as well" She said twisting her fingers, I smiled and hold her hands in mine, "you sure?" I asked, she entwined her fingers with mine, " Did you heard that quote, when life give you lemons make lemonade, I think I should try that" she said, with a smile, I kissed her hand, "Come on we should go now its 3:00 am already" I said, opening the door and got down and walked to her helping to get down with that heavy dress of her, she hold my hand and straighten her dress and adjusted her dupatta on her head we headed to the stairs when she stumbles bit, "Wait, stand still" I ordered a got down on my knees, I lifted her dress a bit and unhook the strap of her heels and slid it off her feet, she grabs my shoulder to steady herself as she lost her balance, I chuckled and slide other heel as well and stood up, "why did you do that?" she asked,

"Because your feet were hurting you so bad, you don't wear heels you are not comfortable in them" I answered, "yeah, they were killing me!" she replied, "Thank you". "My pleasure, love," I said as we both entered our bedroom, after taking a quick shower, I came out to find her leaning on a window watching sky, I pulled a shirt over my head and sauntered to her, "What are you thinking Mahrosh?" I asked.

"Nothing,I was just waiting for you," she replied and walked past me into the dressing room. I opened my laptop and go through some emails, she came out after changing into her nightdress. "You didn't sleep yet?" she asked, taking a bottle of moisturizer from the dresser and plop down on the bed next to me, "I have some work to do" I answered still typing on laptop.

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