Couples on a Plane

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- My Ships -
So, it's valentine's day. I don't usually do any special story things for the holidays, but it's been forever since I've updated this and people seem to like it goes nothing

Leonard Snart and Sara Lance walked on to the plane. The assassin didn't look very happy to be there.

"Why can't we just fly to Paris in the Waverider?" Sara complained.

"You," said Felicity Smoak, as she stepped onto the plane. "Are just as bad as Oliver."

Oliver Queen stepped on to the plane a moment later. "Planes are just as bad as boats, Felicity!"

"You jump off buildings on a daily basis," she told him. "Well...nightly basis."

"She has a point," Leonard shrugged. "Besides, you've both died before."

"Hmph." Sara slumped down in her seat.

A few rows back two small children were sitting, chatting excitedly about the upcoming Holiday - Valentines Day.

"I can't believe I'm going to Paris," the girl, Isabella, said. "Alone. With you."

"Yeah," the boy, Phineas, replied. "It'll be fun."

"Right. Fun." The girl huffed, as if this was not the response she was expecting.

"Awe," cooed across from them. "Shaw, isn't that cute?!"

"No, Root. No, it is not." The woman's girlfriend replied.

"It's okay," Root told her. "I know you think it's cute." Then, she perceeded to kiss Shaw on the cheek.

"Awe!" The godly being named Hypnos cooed. His boyfriend Dionysus, the god of wine, grunted, completely unamused. They were flying to Greece to be married on Love Day - this day. Dionysus didn't understand why they didn't just teleport there, but Hypnos had insisted they have the full human experience.

Next to them sat the goddesses Artemis and Athena. They were also getting married. Partly to get the men to stop flirting with them, partly because they had fallen in love over the eons and wanted to make it official.

In the back of the plane Harley Quinn and The Joker sat, making quite a recuss. They were laughing like the insane people they were, making out like wild animals.

Across from them sat Rumple and his wife Belle. The Dark one rolled his eyes, very annoyed.

"Be nice Rumple," Belle warned. "This is supposed to be a nice trip."

"It will be," he insisted. "Just as soon as I remove their tongues."

"Awe, Puddin he doesn't like us," Harley Quinn pouted.

"He just doesn't have a sense of humor," the Joker laughed maniacally.

Rumple looked like he was about to cast some evil, or at least mildly irritating curse on them, but Belle shot him a warning look and he backed down. Harley Quinn and The Joker went back to making out.

"Don't worry, Crocodile, we'll be off the plane soon," Captain Killian Jones said. "Hopefully. I don't understand, Swan, why couldn't we have just sailed the Jolly Roger somewhere?" This last part was directed at his girlfriend Emma Swan sitting next to him.

"Because, you need to see more of my world," she insisted. "It'll be fun."

"I agree," Belle nodded. She had always wanted to explore the world.

"HE HAHAHA!!" The Joker laughed loudly, making all the other passengers cringe.

"I could turn them into dolphins," Dionysus offered. "And then toss them off the plane."

"No!" Hypnos gasped. "That's rude!"

"I could burn them," Mick Rory said.

"No!" Ray Palmer, his boyfriend protested. "You'll burn the whole plane down!"

"So?" Mick looked genuenly confused. Like he actually didn't see the problem with burning the plane down.

"For one thing," Ray explained, patiently. "We're on the plane."

"Yeah, I don't really fancy being burned alive," Felicity said. "How did you get your gun on the plane anyway?"

"I threatened to burn the security guard," Mick shrugged.

"Men," Artemis rolled her eyes. "Why must such vile creatures exist?"

"That's incredibly sexist," Oliver pointed out.

"But she's hot," Sara said. "What's your excuse?"

However, before Oliver could come up with a response, the plane exploded into a billion pieces of candy hearts and pink confetti due to over load of cuteness.
But not to worry! No couples were harmed in the making of this fanfic. In fact, they are all currently in their preferred romanctic spots, enjoying the holiday together.

The plane, however, is under heavy reconstruction. The airport has advised passengers not to take this flight, until they figure out a way to stop the plane bursting into confetti and candy hearts. That appears to be a serious issue at the moment.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone. 💘
If you have a significant other, enjoy your day with them. If you don't...well then feel free to join me in the signal Pringle corner to binge watch random shows on Netflix.

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