Mine Now

446 19 3

3:13 pm

"No sign of where Danny is. It's almost like he's ghost." Detective Valens sits back

"Or maybe he doesn't want to be found but he knows something and if we find him he has no choice but to tell the truth," Detective Rush puts her pen down. "What do we got so far on this Bradley guy?"

"Bradley Simpson. Rich family but became broke 1 year after Y/N's death, has robbery, sexual harassment and an assault record, he now works in a car repairment shop."

"I guess the saying is true the higher you go, the harder you'll fall."

3:37 pm

"I said a screwdriver you piece of shit!!" the car alarm goes off and a tool fall down.

Detective Rush and Detective Valens look to see what was going on only to see Bradley assulting another employee. They rush over there and pull Bradley off of the employee.

"Get your hands off me!!" Bradley tries to fight off until he gets handcuffs on.

"Thought you learned your lesson by now."

"Fuck!" Bradley cursed as he was being taken away.

Both detectives took him back to the station not only for another thing to be added in his record but also to be questioned.

"I lost my temper okay! No reason to bring me in here if I'm just going to be in a cell for a night." Bradley who grew annoyed.

"Try years maybe even death."

Bradley raises an eyebrow "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Y/N Y/L/N, do you remember her?"

Bradley starts laughing "That's why you brought me here because of her. What you think I killed her or something?"

"Judging by your short temper, we think you did. Unless you know something then spill it."

"I remember Y/N alright." He admits.  "Despite them being a fucking asshole," he mumbles that part "Y/N was the most respected by everyone even the ones that were hard to get it from."

-Flashback -

Loud rock music was playing as Y/N and Danny both walked into a club where Bradley and his crew were chatting and drinking beer.

"Y/N, this isn't a good idea to be here," Danny tries to stop Y/N from doing something. "It was--"

"Danny don't." Y/N cuts him off "That prick doesn't deserve to another day knowing what a fucking piece of shit he is."

Y/N continues to walk while Danny tries to stop what was about to happen.

Meanwhile a man was drinking with his buddies, bragging about how many women they could fuck in one night.

Y/N walked up to them, turning the man around before throwing a hard punch at him making him fall back.

"Now who the fuck--" he gets up only to get his head slammed onto the table by Y/N.

Everyone watched as this man was getting beaten up by Y/N until Danny stopped Y/N from doing anymore damage.

"Fucking prick!" Y/N yells as Danny pulled them away from the man.

"Y/N, please calm down," Danny begged, feeling more scared than before. "W-we should go now."

Y/N finally calms down "Alright but first we're going to your place to get your things."

"But what about---"

"Hey you two!" Bradley approaches them.

Danny is startled and hids behind Y/N "Don't kill us, we were leaving."

"Whoa relax I'm not going fight you two but I will say it was about time that guy got what he deserved," Bradley looks over at the guy who was being taken to another room then looks back at Y/N and Danny. "How about you two join me and my buddies for a drink you know as a friend gesture?"

"Some other time." Y/N takes Danny to the front door only to be stopped by a group of girls.

"Saw what you did," One of the girls spoke "We appreciate it." The rest of the girls nod their head.

Y/N was about to say something until one of the girls came up to them and whispered something that only they would understand that then ended with a kiss on the cheek.

After the exchange, the group of girls  leave.

"What did they say to you?" Danny asked.

Y/N chuckles "You're too young to understand," They wrap their arm around him "C'mon, we gotta get moving before he hunts us down."

-Flashback ended-

"Any idea who the guy was that Y/N was so mad about?"

"I only know his name is George and that he was always there drinking and well getting at other girls." Bradley shakes his head.

"What about those girls that approached Y/N and Danny?"

"Oh them I wouldn't worry about," Bradley shrugs "They went out of town the same night. Hadn't seen them since."

"Is there anything else you know about George?"

Bradley clears his throat "The same night when Y/N beat up George, there was word going around, why was George's kid there? Why were they with someone who just harmed their father?"

It's bad I know, I'll do better next time.

Hope everyone is doing okay ✌

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2018 ⏰

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