9- Cease and Desist

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A/N- The song for the chapter is from my favorite singer ever, Lana del Rey. It's not on YouTube, but it IS on Soundcloud! Idk if you'll be able to listen to it, but it is a great song.

ALSO- I've changed some parts of the song to make it a little more Disney-friendly.

ALSO ALSO- It's so fun to be updating again! I've actually missed this!


This Monday morning, we got a chance to recreate the walk from The Right Stuff.

No, but seriously, it felt like it.

"Hi, Charlie!"

"Stephanie, you're such a babe!"

"Stella! Stella! I NEED your shirt!"

"You guys HAVE to come to my party next week..."

"Is there gonna be Lemonade Mouth merch soon?!"

"Olivia! Where did you get your outfit?!"

"You're so pretty, Mo!"

"Wen! My man!"

"Guys, guys, any new songs?!"

All this, and about a hundred more compliments as we walked down the stairs that day.

This was the culmination of months of hard work, confusion, and pizza. We had created a voice for the student body- and that voice just so happened to sound fabulous. Yeah, I noticed Ray glaring at us, but whatever. His little problems can wait.

"This is..." Mo couldn't even finish her sentence.

"Unreal?" Charlie supplied.

I nodded. "I'll never get used to it."

"I haven't even thrown up once!" Olivia squealed in genuine excitement. That's surprising, what with all the pizza she ate.

"And who do with thank for this victory?" Wen said smugly as we boarded the elevator alone.

We all smiled. "Stella, thank you so much!"

"This wasn't just me, it was all of us," Stella said kindly. I fought the urge to laugh, because Wen's quirky self-centeredness is always pretty funny.

"I think I deserve a portion of this," Wen said.

"I literally just said we all did," Stella scoffed.

"Everyone, no arguing," I held my hand up. "Now, hands in."

I smirked as we did our official handshake, and then we left the elevator. Yeah, it's cliche.

But I love it.


"Stephanie, these arrived for you," Mr. Melcher said. He passed me a bouquet of white roses, causing the people next to me to gawk. Even I was a little surprised. Who sent these? Is it some weirdly devoted fan?

Gosh, it feels so weird to say 'fan'. Like, I actually have FANS now. It's amazing! I mean, it's creepy if one of them sent me this, but it's still amazing.

"Uh, thanks?" I responded. I looked around the bouquet, hoping there'd be some sort of explanatory card attached, or at least a gift card for some chocolates. Who could say no to chocolates?

What I did find was far from chocolates.

Roses are red (well, these ones are white but you get the point)
Lemons are yellow,
I can't think of a word that rhymes with yellow
Can we talk after school? Thanks
-Ray B.

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