chapter 3

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I knocked on Ashleys door. I quickly heard footsteps from the inside. The door then opened and a lady came running out.

"Ashleys late night booty call I guess." I said to myself making myself laugh.

Finally Ashley arrived at thee door.

"Oh hey Andy sorry about that. I was hoping to get her out before you came. Come on in." Ashley stepped aside allowing me into his house. I stepped in walking towards the couch.

"May I?" Ashley looked at me confused

"May i sit down Please?" I said laughing a bit.

"Oh of course haha." Ashleys laugh was so adorable, the cutest thing I have ever heard. I sat down as Ashley walked over to me and did the same.

"So what did you need to talk about?" I looked into Ashley eyes only wanted to kiss his plump red lips.

"I Uh wanted to Ask you some questions."I looked down at Ashleys lips making him bit his lip, he knew I was looking at them. I shook my head and looked back up to his eyes.

"Sorry." I sighed out Ashley shook his head.

"Its okay I don't mind." I swallowed then jumped off the couch to my feet.

"Like I said I need to ask you some questions. Will you allow me to do that?" Ashley nodded his head and then I started to ask.

"Do you think me and Juliet will last?" Ashley looked at me confused.

"What do you mean last?" I sat down next to him grabbing his hand.

"In love, Last in love!" I said with my eyebrows Squeeze together.


I looked down at our hands being held. I loved this feeling but, I knew it wouldn't last long.

"I can't exactly tell you that Andy, It's not my choice in if you guys last in love or not. Those are your decisions, you know that!" Andy let go of my hand leaving my hand laying on my knee.

"Please just tell me what you think." Should I tell him the truth or a lie??? I don't want to make him sad but, I don't want to hurt his feelings. Honestly no I don't think they will last. I think he could do so much better than her but, who am I to say that.

"Yes! I think you'll last!" My heart shattered when I said this. I honestly didn't mean to I just didn't want to hurt him. I just ruined my chances again! Fuck me.

"You honestly think me and her will stay in love?" I let out a sigh and hung my head.

"Andy it's honestly up to you and her. Make the right choices and maybe." Andy smiled but, not his regular smile. It seemed disappointed. 

"When are you going to start dating someone Ash?" I looked up at Andys piercing blue eyes. And laughed

"The one I love has found their true love, and I refuse to break them apart from each other."

"Who?" I'm going to tell him I have to tell him.

"Andy it's *HEY GUYS WHAT'S UP* CC ran into my house without knocking.

"CC What the fuck are you doing here?!" I asked getting off the couch pissed..

I CAME TO SURPRISE YOU AND NOW ANDY! SURPRISE!" Andy got off the couch and walked to where I was

"Well you damn sure did surprise us. I better be going, I'll catch you after while Ash. Bye CC." Andy walked to the opened door walking out and shutting it.

"CC We need to talk." I sat CC Down and told him everything. My feelings for Andy, What he barged in on, what Andy was telling me just everything. He wasn't very surprised. He told me he always knew Andy and I liked each other a little bit. Thats great huh?

"CC I just don't know what to do! I want to tell him but, I don't want to ruin things with him and Juliet. What do I do?" I asked Going Into the kitchen grabbing a drink off the counter. I grabbed a glass and poured it in.

"Want some?" CC Shook his head and started to talk.

"Maybe you should tell him how you feel. If you don't know you never will and then you'll hate yourself! And that's never good." I smiled at CC as I took a drink of whiskey.

"You're right, I'll go over and tell him tonight."

"NO Don't rush it make it come out when it's ready too. Honestly right now may not be the best time too. After everything that you told me it seems like he is stressed maybe just wait a little while longer." I nodded at CC Placing my drink down on the counter.

"I hope your fucking right CC!"

"Hey worst comes to worst you don't tell him here. How about on tour, we go on that in like five days!" CC Said with are huge smile on his face. CC Loves Touring just to meet the fans and everything. He's a freak when it comes to it.

"You mean Three days CC."

"Oh shit must have slept ed through the other two." I laughed after CC Said this.

"I'm gonna go back home, I'll see you in three days. Bye Ash." I stayed in the kitchen till I heard the door slam shut showing that CC left.

I then went to go sit on the couch.

"Let's just wait those Three days. That won't take very long then I can tell him on tour. A thirty days tour, I have thirty Days."


I walked into my house being hugged by juliet. She was sweaty for some reason. Maybe she went out for a run. She has been doing that a lot lately. And she's been staying out for hours at a time. It's getting weird, I wonder what she is really doing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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