IV - The Jealously

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"Wow, that was... fun" said Alex entering in the penthouse before Jack closed the door behind us.

We all got back from the club after Joe got into a huge fight. His eye and lip were not so good, but I gotta say, the other guy got it worse. Deep down I felt guilty about what happened, it was because my stupid and childish behavior towards Joe that he got into that fight. If only I had said yes to his stupid invitation to dance, we wouldn't be here regretting his black eye and his swollen lip.

"Joe you didn't have to do that" JinJoo said kind of annoyed.

She was right tho, he didn't have to put himself in that risk, what if someone took pictures or worse, recorded the fight? That would get us in a lot of trouble.

"Of course, he had to" Alex defended him. "His wife was being harassed by a psycko with hero syndrome" JinJoo rolled her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Joe, it's all my fault" I said for the hundred time and for the hundred time he didn't say anything. He was mad at me, very mad.

"Do you need something? More ice?" I insisted but by the look in his face I better stop doing it.

"You know what I need? I need to go to sleep" He told me and then he looked at the guys "See you in the morning fellas, don't have much fun without me" he turned around and went to his room.

"But Joe—" I started to say but Nick touched my arm

"Let him, he needs to rest after this shitty day for him" He was right. But it's been a shitty day for me too and it's even more for me since I went from just a small-town girl to the new slutty wife of Joe Jonas.

I threw myself on the couch letting exhaustion take over me. Nick sat next to me handing me a glass of scotch, which I drank in a blink of an eye. Gosh, I loved the way it burned. He gave me a genuine smile like understanding how I was feeling, and it felt so great. Not many people had the ability to empathize with someone not saying much and Nick was one of those people. It was just the first day I spent with him and it took me a second to feel terribly comfortable and familiar with him. After all, it was my brother-in-law, right?

"So girls, new in town, huh?" Cole asked Alex and me. I guess by 'new in town meant new in the 'fame n' show world' or whatever they call it. "What do you guys do?"

"Well, we're both College senior" Alex responded him "We're both getting our degree; Lucy in psychology and I'm getting mine in fine arts"

"That's great! My sister also got her degree in Psychology!" Jack shared full of cheer. "Maybe I should introduce you both and you can talk about how fucked up these people are" he said pointing to his friends. I giggled.

"That would be great" I said smiling politely.

"So Alex, which art are you getting your degree?" Cole asked her. He seemed very fond in getting to us —or better say, Alex— for the matter.

"Theatre. I want to be an actress"

"Yeah, because she's so full of drama" I joked almost involuntary. It's a thing I say every time people ask her the very same question.

"That joke is so old fashion, Lu" she said while the guys were laughing smoothly

"That's awesome Alex, maybe you can be part of our next music video" Cole said smiling so big that I thought his teeth were jumping out of his mouth. Yeah, that big.

"What?! Really?!!!" She exclaimed starting freaking out.

"Yes! That'd be fun! So we don't have to get one of those boring models" Jack said giving a five high to his friend.

V E G A S ,  B A B Y . (feat. JoeJonas) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now