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Madison are you the one running the MickeyDemarTea account??

No of course not

Mads please don't lie to me

Jack it wasn't me I swear
What reason would I have to make a hate page for Mickey

Well you're always saying how much you don't like her

Yeah but I never make a hate page to ruin her life
I get hate too I know how it feels making a hate page would be taking it way to far

Ok mads I believe you
I didn't mean to accuse you like that it's just that we need to figure out who's running this account
They're literally breaking Mickey

Well is there anyone you can think of that would have some type of motive to hurt her like that.

No, that's why we all thought it was you.
No offense.

Well it's not and I feel bad for being so hateful toward her to even make you think it was me

It's ok Mads we all make mistakes
I'll still love you no matter what 😘

Love you to Jack 😘

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