roleplay? (katnep)

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The small troll called nepeta leijon walks around looking for someone to talk to finding one of her friends hive she asked herself why not knock and see if they want to rp? she knocked the door and the person who she least excpected opened the door.

"hi karkitty!", she said to karkat trying not to blush. He was as suprised as her but was polite enough to say,"hey nep.." he thought she would want to come in so he moved over allowing her u step in.Nepeta then gave him one of her traditional pouncegreets and giggling she asked him, "h33 h33 how are you karkitty?"

Karkat fell on the floor frowning and answered ,"IM FUCKING FINE NEPETA EXCEPT FOR BEING THROWN TO THE FLOOR BY YOU"

nepeta frowned "oh um sorry.."

"shit look im sorry its just ive been 'grumpy' i guess can you just get off me please?"

blushing a little nepeta got up and helped karkat up "so how are you nep?"

he asked her and nepeta answered "oh um im fine." she gives a soft sigh "its b33n purretty boring i could tell you that"

karkat nodded in a agreement and a gave a suggestion, "yeah maybe we could do something fun?"

said karkat and then nepeta then remembered why she was here,to roleplay! So she then took this as a chance to ask him if he would want to roleplay, "purrfect idea karkitty! Meowbe we can roleplay?".

Karkat regreting his words sighed and finally answered,"I dont know how to role play nep.."

nepeta took this as a chance to finally tell him her feelings but instead grabbed his hand softly and smiled "h33 h33 just fur fun karkitty!"

karkat blushed at how nepeta took his hand and finally agreed to role play "fine.." he mumbled still not wanting to let go of her hand but nepeta pulled her hand back begining to explain role playing.

Karkat ignored her talking and noticed something, he noticed nepetas enthusiasm in her eyes and how, whats the word?, cute she! he was flushed for terezi but shes with that cool kid but karkat only snapped out of it when nepeta began to actually roleplay.

"h33 h33 ok well um lets s33,,,aha! ac finds her crabby furrend cg and gr33ts him making two big happy cat smiles!"

"oh um cg frowns and turns away from ac"

"ac frowns and decides to give cg a big hug to ch33r him up!" she gave karkat a soft hug blushing softly

"cg turns away not returning ac's hug" ignoring nepetas hug he turns around so she faces his back. Nepeta frowned but then gave a soft giggle a olive going through her cheeks while she keeps on staring at his back.

after a while nepeta noticed karkat was waiting for her responce "oh right um uh ac gets an idea that could purrobably ch33r up cg"

she then took a step back and then quickly jumped on his back. Karkat stumbled but was able to catch nepeta and held her making sure she wouldnt fall. Karkat finally gave up, nepeta was just acting so cute right now ugh karkat didnt know what his feelings were telling him right now but he had a feeling that was telling him to have fun and enjoy nepetas company.

karkat sighed and remembered the roleplay "oh um cg begins to run around to amuse ac i guess." karkat saw the excitement in nepeta and held her tightly which of course made her blush.

"ac smiles and holds onto cg to make sure she doesnt fall" karkat notices that she held back on tightly which made him give a soft blush but it wasnt noticable.

roleplay? (katnep)Where stories live. Discover now